Notices – 13/11/18

Line dancing
No line dancing again this week . Unfortunately Hilary is still unwell

Christmas Concert 11 December 9.45 for 10 am
Programes for the Christmas concert are available today from the book table. There is no charge. Leaving donations will be invited on the day for Woodlands Hospice.

Our Christmas break
The Christmas Concert above on 11 December will be our last ‘normal’ coffee morning. The following week some leaders will be present at MBC to collect holiday monies but our ‘usual’ tea and coffee will not be available and there will not be any announcements. Our ‘normal’ coffee morning will resume on 8th January 2019.

2019/20 membership renewals and fee
Finally, the membership team have started getting ready to carry out the membership renewals process for next year. Committee met last week and decided, given we still have reserves above the recommended 6 months running cost figure, that we would set (maintain) the membership fee at £6 for the 19/20 year. The fee will be considered again prior to 20/21 renewals – it is anticipated that it will most likely need to increase at that point.