November Walk to Pennington Flash

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16 of us set off from Maghull today and made the very short journey to the outskirts of Leigh where we started  our walk around Pennington Flash Country Park. This 200 hectare country park is located between Leigh and Lowton in Greater Manchester, but we could have been miles away from the urban conurbations. The 70 hectare lake at the centre of the park was formed as a result of mining subsidence and flooding. This has now created a haven for wildlife and is known as one of the UK’s premier sites for bird watching, which might be of interest to the bird watching group. There are many bird hides located throughout the park, which apparently attract over 6000 birdwatchers annually. Continue reading

Maths 4 Fun Wed 7th Nov @ 2.30


Come and join us as we continue to explore  strategies for making optimum decisions about every day situations.

This is maths in the real world, lots of laughs and completely stress busting.

Kensington House, Station Road,  2.30  –  4.30   Entrance £1

We will also have a go at making some useful Christmas boxes. You will need a pencil, ruler and some scissors.

More info from Wanda Leach  284 8454  or




Real Ale Nov/Dec Meet Ups

23rd November – meet from 1230 in the Court Leet, Ormskirk. Please note this is a week before the usual last Friday. We will also visit the Railway, Tap Room No 12 and the Cricketers.

21st December – this will be our Christmas gathering. Please meet from 1pm in the Frank Hornby. We can have lunch here as well as a few pints! Around 3.30pm we will make our way to Maghull Cask and enjoy the real ale on offer. If you intend coming along it would be helpful if you could text me on 07801 656570. Cheers Sue

Sunday Lunch

End of the year already!

Our Christmas lunch will be at Briars Hall, Lathom

on Sunday, 02 December, 1.30pm for 2.00pm as usual.

It will be a 4 course meal including, tea, coffee, mince pies

Price:  £19.95

Booking will commence on Tuesday, 06 November at Day Trips desk when menu choice slips will be available.  Don’t delay, Briars Hall want numbers and menu choices by 18 November

Notices – 30/10/18

Walking group meeting in the coffee room at 11:15 to plan next years walks.

November walk will be this Thursday. 2 walks to Pennington Flash near Aspull, one of 6 miles, one of 8 miles. Mostly flat with a couple of stiles. Please meet at 9:30 at the Baptist church to organise car share. Please dress appropriately according to weather conditions. Both groups will have a meal after the walk. Pre book on the day.

Line dancing There will be no Line Dancing class this week (31st Oct) due to unforeseen circumstances

Theatre Group Tickets for Roger McGough to be collected from the desk. Please book for NewYears Eve ASAP since the team will have to pay for the show quite soon.

Architecture for Fun the tour of the Philarmonic on Thursday 8th November starts at 11am, doors will be open 1030

Family History

Friday 2nd Nov Lydiate Village Hall discussing ‘The Italian Job’ A history of a family at war from both sides . Cost £1.50 to include tea and biscuits

Garden Visits

There will be a meeting at MBC on Tuesday 6th November at 11.15 to discuss the Longleat Holiday

Garden Visits Christmas Meal

Menus are now available – please see garden table

Helping Handbags ‘ is a worldwide organisation that focusses on providing sanitary and hygiene products to homeless women.  If any ladies have a spare handbag they are prepared to donate with some ladies toiletry products in, please pass this to Mary Prendergast who will arrange for it to be supplied on. Please do not include any products that contain glass or alcohol nor any monetary gifts . (A full list of suggested suitable products which can be included is displayed on the MBC notice board)


I’m sure you will all join me in giving our very best wishes to Joan and Peter Martin for their golden wedding anniversary on 2nd November. Happy |Anniversary to you both