Walking Group
There will be a group meeting on Tuesday 30th October at 11:15 in the coffee room. Next years’ walk programme will be organised at this meeting. Please can all walkers make an effort to attend and bring details of any walks you are prepared to lead.
Table games group will meet on Monday 29th as usual.
Discussion and Debating Group
After seven years, Brian Leach has decided he is no longer able to continue leading the discussion and debating group. On behalf of everyone who has been involved, sincerest thanks to Brian for all his hard work since the group started.
‘Helping Handbags ‘ is a worldwide organisation that focuses on providing sanitary and hygiene products to homeless women. If any ladies have a spare handbag they are prepared to donate, with some ladies toiletry products in, please pass this to Mary Prendergast who will arrange for it to be supplied on. Please do not include any products that contain glass or alcohol, nor any monetary gifts . (A full list of suggested suitable products which can be included is displayed on the MBC notice board)