Theatre Group

Shows now booking:

NB New Show    The Producers   The Royal Exchange Manchester – Fri 18th January    Cost, ticket £37.00 plus £10.00 for transport.

Wed  7th Nov   – Roger McGough.  World War 1 poetry and music at St George’s Hall
Fri     9th Nov   – La Traviata.  Performed by Welsh National Opera at The Empire
Fri   30th Nov   – Calendar Girls – Empire Theatre
Mon 31st Dec  – New Year’s Eve ‘Don’t Stop the Music’ with RLPO at the

Philharmonic Hall (transport will be provided for this trip)

NB  Please book your tickets for New Year as soon as possible.  Theatre Desk will close at the end of November due to the Royal Albert Hall trip and tickets will have to be ordered and distributed before the end of November.

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Active Sefton walkers catch runaway

On what promised to be an easy Sunday afternoon stroll with the Active Sefton group, around the wilds of Lydiate, nature once again taught us never to take anything for granted.  The promised sunshine, winds, showers and good company were shaken by the shouts of a ‘thrown rider’ and a runaway horse galloping towards us.  The stalwart crew faced up and shooed the animal
into an adjacent driveway, hoping for an easy capture. Sadly the driveway turned out to be several hundred meters long but luckily ended in a paddock where we managed to get the reins and calm the shaken beast down with pats and handfuls of grass.

Finally the rider caught up, dragging a damaged ankle and explained that dogs had skitted them both and she had been dumped as the horse turned over.  However, it all ended well and we resumed our stroll, finally getting back to ‘Our Lady’s after 2 hours.

A smashing afternoon and thanks to Brenda and John for organising the last Maghul AS walk of the season.