Cheshire Ring Walk: Little Bollington – Lymm

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We met at “The Swan With Two Nicks” pub in Little Bollington. A smaller group this time, with our number reduced to eleven. Setting off along a cobbled lane past the picturesque White Cottage Tea Rooms, we passed under the canal via the Bollington Underbridge and then up steps on to the canal. There had been Continue reading

Notices – 2310/18

Walking Group
There will be a  group meeting on Tuesday 30th October at 11:15 in the coffee room. Next years’ walk programme will be organised at this meeting. Please can all walkers make an effort to attend and bring details of any walks you are prepared to lead.

Table games group will meet on Monday 29th as usual.

Discussion and Debating Group
After seven years, Brian Leach has decided he is no longer able to continue leading the discussion and debating group. On behalf of everyone who has been involved, sincerest thanks to Brian for all his hard work since the group started.

Helping Handbags ‘ is a worldwide organisation that focuses on providing sanitary and hygiene products to homeless women.  If any ladies have a spare handbag they are prepared to donate, with some ladies toiletry products in, please pass this to Mary Prendergast who will arrange for it to be supplied on. Please do not include any products that contain glass or alcohol, nor any monetary gifts . (A full list of suggested suitable products which can be included is displayed on the MBC notice board)

Get your Macintosh for April 25th

Do we love Mackintosh?  Yes  we do!

An exhibition of everyone’s Art Nouveau favourite, Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

Walker Art Gallery. 1.15 for 1.30am

Tickets from Ticket Master so please pay upon registering at desk

Entry £7 , no tour available. booking will be closed Feb 25th .

N.B  We are adding on a free visit to Leonardo de Vinci  after the above about 3pm.



April 25th  – Sure to be very popular so book early at desk.

Sunday Lunch Group

November’s lunch takes us back to The Plantation Restaurant at

Warbreck Garden Centre, Lathom

This will be on Sunday, 04 November – 1.30pm for 2.00pm

Booking will start on Tuesday, 16 October at the Day Trips desk, when menu

choice slips will be available.  It would be helpful if these could be filled

in and returned to me on the same day.

Price:               2 Courses: £ 14.95           3 Courses:  £17.95

A minimum of £5 deposit is required at time of booking

Penblwydd Priodas Diamwnt

Diamond Wedding Anniversary

Chwe deg mlynedd ymlaen ac mae’r briodferch a’r priodfab yma yn dal i edrych mor hapus ac yr oeddynt ar eu diwrnod priodas. Mwynhaodd Bill a Lil Jones eu dathliad pen-blwydd priodas a ddechreuodd gyda brecwast priodas  gyda’r gang Gymreig.
Bu Bucks Fizz, cacen briodas, bara brith a lluniau o adeg hynny ac yn awr yn diwrnod arbennig iawn i’r cwpl. Roedd cerdyn hyd yn oed o’r Frenhines, a oedd yn ymfalchïo yn y lle ar y lle tan eu cartref.
Anfonodd  ffrindiau lawer o flodau a chardiau a rhoddodd y teulu noson iddynt i’w gofio. Llongyfarchiadau i’r ddau ohonoch chi.


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Pedal Pushers enjoy the Indian Summer

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The Pedal Pushers plus two easy riders took advantage of the unexpected late sunshine today. Cycling along the Cheshire Lines as far as Formby we enjoyed lovely weather and were also treated to an unexpected sight of hundreds of geese feeding on the crop stubble. On our outward ride we were caught unawares and weren’t quick enough to catch on camera the spectacle of them taking flight as they caught sight of us. However, on our return, after a coffee stop on the lovely outdoor terrace of  the Sparrowhawk, we pushed our cycles when in the vicinity of the fields and managed to catch the upward flight. Truly a great sight and well worth creeping quietly along the hedge line! Return distance today just under 16miles, made even more enjoyable by good company and the late summer warmth.


Wednesday 17th October. Visit to Lunt Meadows. Meet at the Lunt Meadows car park, off Lunt road, Lunt village at 11am. Hopefully we may see some short eared owls and lots of geese This is not a guided tour. Lunt Meadows does not have toilet facilities. It is an open site with open hides. Wrap up warm and bring a hot drink. Contact June Avery on 526- 9118 or email  Let me know if you want to go but do not have transport

Wednesday 14th November. Visit to the Festival Gardens, Otterspool,  Riverside Park, Riverside Drive, Liverpool with the Liverpool branch of the RSPB. Meet at the Riverside Park Gates, Riverside Drive at 11am. We can meet at Maghull station for the 10.01 train to Central and then get a train to St Michaels. Riverside Drive is a short walk from the station. You can drive if you prefer. There are car parks along Riverside Drive. Contact June Avery on 526-9118 or email

October Real Ale Meet Up

This month we are visiting Southport as this month’s last Friday the 26th coincides with CAMRA’s annual Beer Festival. We will be catching the 300 bus which is due at 1130 by the Alt pub (Liverpool Road South) so you can then work out what time to get to your nearest stop. We should arrive at Eastbank Street Southport about 1215. The beer festival is being held in St John Hall in Wright Street (road on left heading towards Asda) and 3 minutes walk from Southport train station. If you are a CAMRA member remember to bring your card for free entry otherwise it’s £4. We can spend a while here and then visit a few local pubs. As always please ring my mobile 07801 656570 if you are delayed. Look forward to seeing you.