Walking Group: The Magnificent Seven!

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Seven members of the walking group set out today to do the last long walk of the year. Led by Dave Cadwallader we joined the Wirral Way at Hooton to walk the full length back to West Kirby, detailed to be 12 miles although in fact was nearer to 13!. Starting off in drizzly rain we concentrated on keeping our footing on the muddy paths, an indication that after the glorious summer, the weather has turned distinctly autumnal. Although the route is a well known path for walkers, cyclists and dog walkers, apart from the seven of us there were very few people in evidence today, especially at the early part of the walk.
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Notices – 04/09/18

Fire alarm test to be carried out on Tuesday 18th September. Please take note of instructions given out after the alarm has sounded.

A meeting is taking place in the Sanctuary today for those going on the Puglia wines tour on 8th September. Clare Makinson from Discovery Travel will be in attendance

The Theatre Desk will be closed next Tuesday, and a reminder for New Year at the Philharmonic- they are taking bookings for the performance and would like names asap

Walking group – 2 walks on Thursday 6th September:

Short walk 5 miles West Kirby circular walk. Meet  Maghull station for 9:46 train.
Long walk: 12 miles Hooton to West Kirby. Meet Maghull station for 10:01 train to Moorfields and onward to Hooton.   Please bring a packed lunch for the long walk. There will be an opportunity for drinks / meal at the end of both walks.

I’m afraid I have the very saddest news to pass on- some of you will already be aware. Ian Gent who many of you will know has been fighting illness for some time, passed away peacefully on Friday in Woodlands Hospice surrounded by his family, and is now at peace. Ian was a lovely man whose tireless drive, enthusiasm and energy in any group he was involved in had a big impact and not least in him starting the first Nordic walking group with Active Sefton 4 years ago; from Ian’s initial relationship building many subsequent groups have been set up with Active Sefton.

Some U3A members are going to complete the 10K Walk – ‘Light Up The Night for Woodlands’ in memory of Ian on 13th October and one of our members is hoping to secure match funding from Barclays Bank. This will mean that anything raised, up to £750, will be doubled by Barclays. If you are able to, please support this fundraising in Ian’s name.

I am sure your thoughts will be with Lyn and the family at this very sad time

September Real Ale Meet Up

Hello fellow drinkers, this month we will be again be visiting various real ale establishments in Liverpool on 28th September.  Please meet from 1230 in Wetherspoon’s Richard John Blackler (Great Charlotte Street).  We can have lunch here and a pint or two then visit Doctor Duncans, Ship and Mitre, Lion Tavern and Rigbys.  I look forward to seeing you then. Cheers! Sue


Our next gastronomic adventure will be on Sunday, 07 October at

The Rufford Arms, 380 Liverpool Road, Rufford L40 1SQ

1.30pm for 2.00pm

2 Courses (starter & main or main & dessert) – £15.99

price for 3 courses to be advised.

As usual, booking will be at Day Trips desk from Tuesday 04 September

Menu slips will be available on 11 September. A £5 deposit required when booking