Notices – 18/09/18

Membership team recruits
A meeting will be held in the coffee room at 11:15 next Tuesday 25th September to discuss the membership team. We are looking for U3A members who are willing to be part of this new team to meet and greet potential new members, ensure any new members are welcomed as part of a dynamic organisation and help with membership and renewals when required. Commitment need not be on a weekly basis. Several people have already agreed to be part of the team but anyone else who wishes to be involved please come along to this short meeting.

Dance fit groups

Due to copyright issues we have had to rename our Columbian dance groups.
They will now be known as ‘dance fit’.  Here is the schedule:

Dance Fit 1  – Monday 9 – 9.45

Leader:   Chris Chua Short    474 6355

Dance Fit 2  – Friday 2.30 – 3.15

Leader:    Brenda McKenzie  531 0207

Day trips – Chester’s festive season

A chance to visit the historic City of Chester and sample some of the festive activities being held there.  We will start by visiting the Christmas Market with its’ wide variety of stalls offering ideas for Christmas presents and stocking fillers. tempting food samples and ideas for your christmas etc.Don’t forget the superb shops and plenty of Cafes, Inns etc. for morning coffee/lunch. THEN we will make a visit to the beautiful ancient Cathedral.  There is a Christmas Tree Festival in the cloisters, all sponsored by local organisations, a pop up shop with all the leading Charities’ Christmas Cards,.  Your chance to buy now.  A guided tour of the 10 most interesting features of this wonderful building.
 An opportunity to see their fund raising project – a fantastic replica of the Cathedral being built with Lego – if you wish to, you can help to build it by buying a brick for £1, a visit to the Gift Shop and then we will finish with a Cream Tea in their Refectory

WHEN?? Friday 30th November 2018.  Depart 9.15am  Return 6pm.  Price:  £21 inc. guided tour and cream tea.  Seats will be on sale at our table on Tues.18th September 2018..




Day trip – Llangollen

We boarded our coach and set off at 9.15am on Wednesday with a very overcast sky.  We were pleased that our favourite driver – Phil was behind the wheel. As we progressed into Wales the sun came out and the rest of the day was glorious, all adding to a great time.  We travelled via the Horseshoe Pass and enjoyed some glorious views. We arrived at Llangollen and had time to enjoy a good wander, discussing which of the great eateries we would use.  The venue chosen was excellent owned by a chap who was Italian/Irish/English and he offered us very tasty food.   Continue reading

Technology and Science

Due to unforeseen circumstances the meeting for this Wednesday 12th September has been cancelled. 

Future Dates for 2018:
Sep 26
Oct  10 24
Nov 14 28

No Meetings in December.

HELP Required.  Can you provide a Subject / Presentation for a future meeting  Assistance available if required. Please contact Phil or myself.                               

Brwydr Passchendaele

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Daeth Trydydd Brwydr Ypres, a elwir yn fwy cyffredin ‘Passchendaele’, ar ôl misoedd o ymladd creulon rhwng fyddin yr Almaen a’r Cynghreiriaid. Roedd y Cyntaf a’r Ail Frwydyr wedi ei dechrau gan yr Almaewyr ond yn y Trydydd oedd y Cynghreiriaid yn ymladd yn ôl. O dan arweiniad Syr Douglas Haig, agorwyd y frwydr gyda morglawdd o tua 3,000 o gynnau a chynnydd ymlaen ar bentref Passchendaele ar 31ain Gorffennaf 1917.

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