Theatre group
We are once again going to the Philharmonic Hall on New Years Eve and require deposits ASAP please- this is because the desk will not open during December owing to the trip to the Royal Albert Hall, and therefore we must collect the tickets for New Year earlier than usual.
Last call for La Traviata at the Empire Theatre. Please see the desk for ticket prices etc.
Membership team
There will be a short meeting in the coffee room at 11:15 today for everyone interested in joining the membership team.Discussion Group
The meeting planned for this Thursday, 27th September, has been cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Woodlands Sponsored Walk on 13th October
Woodlands have asked for volunteers to act as marshals for this walk. If anyone is interested can they get in touch with Carole Riley at Woodlands on 0151 529 4143 or 07801 482157. The walk starts from Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre at 6 pm
Practical Gardening
The group will meet next on Monday 1st October, usual venue – Maghull Parish Hall, Deyes Lane Maghull at the new time of 10.15. All welcome.
TV licensing scam
A member has reported receiving an email asking him to claim a TV licence refund as he is now aged 70. If you receive a similar email please DO NOT open it as it is a scam.