Notices – 18/09/18

Membership team recruits
A meeting will be held in the coffee room at 11:15 next Tuesday 25th September to discuss the membership team. We are looking for U3A members who are willing to be part of this new team to meet and greet potential new members, ensure any new members are welcomed as part of a dynamic organisation and help with membership and renewals when required. Commitment need not be on a weekly basis. Several people have already agreed to be part of the team but anyone else who wishes to be involved please come along to this short meeting.

Dance fit groups

Due to copyright issues we have had to rename our Columbian dance groups.
They will now be known as ‘dance fit’.  Here is the schedule:

Dance Fit 1  – Monday 9 – 9.45

Leader:   Chris Chua Short    474 6355

Dance Fit 2  – Friday 2.30 – 3.15

Leader:    Brenda McKenzie  531 0207