Wine Tasting: A tour of South Africa

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Members of the Wine tasting group visited Wine Time at Scatchards last evening for the latest foray into experiencing wines from different wine producing areas of the world. It was lovely to see several new U3A members who joined us for the outing. This time we sampled 6 wines from South Africa, including a red which apparently is never sold in SA as the British market takes 95% of its stock! Having quaffed samples of 2 whites, a rose and 3 reds accompanied by cheese, meats and olives, the conversation flowed as easily as the wine. Thanks once again to George and Mo for organising the tasting and providing the nibbles. I wonder where our next sampling will take us?

Rufford Branch 23rd August 2018


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Today’s walk was originally planned for July but, bizarrely for England, was cancelled due to the hot weather! Because of holidays and other commitments our number was reduced to thirteen this time.

We parked our cars at the Ship Inn at Lathom and took taxi minibuses to the river lock at Tarleton where the canal meets the River Douglas. Continue reading

Can you smile and wish a friendly hello?

Following the success of the changes in the treasury team we are in the process of  revising the membership team  and are appealing for volunteers. We are looking for current members to help meet and greet potential new U3A members, introduce them to the various groups present at the coffee morning, direct them to the coffee room and Group Support desk and also help man the membership desk. Assistance  with the annual membership renewals may also be needed. It need not be a weekly commitment! Anyone willing to consider becoming part of this new team, which is the outward face of Maghull and Lydiate U3A is invited to attend a short meeting in the coffee room at 11:15 on 25th September. This is your chance to extoll the benefits of our U3A and take part in its ongoing development .

Sunday Strollers – How lucky were we?

The weather forecast was not good but the rain had stopped by the time we boarded the train to Liverpool and stayed fine for the 10 people who took part in the walk. When we arrived at Central Station we only had a 2 minute wait for the Hunts Cross train. Our luck continued at Brunswick Station as we only had a 3 minute wait for the bus which took us to Hale Village.  We left Maghull at 9.20 and reached Hale by 10.30 ! Not bad when you think we had been on two trains and a bus on a Sunday. David Scott joined us and made the walk more interesting by sharing knowledge on the local area. We had an enjoyable 4 mile flat walk and finished up in the local pub and had a great lunch (10 empty plates at the end) .Whilst we were waiting for the bus on the return journey we enjoyed the air show provided by planes going overhead on their way to Liverpool Airport

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Foodie Group Summer Picnic

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The foodie group met today for our annual summer picnic, once again hosted by Brenda in her lovely garden. As can be seen, we had a tremendous spread of food, both savoury and desserts, all made by group members. Food was devoured, the drinks flowed, there was a buzz of good conversation and we were lucky to have such a lovely sunny day after the overnight rain. Thank you Brenda for allowing us to invade your garden and I hope we cleaned up properly!  Thanks also  to all the group members for their contributions through the year and we will meet again at our usual venue on 20th September.

Architecture for Fun – Waterloo

A wander around Waterloo

Thursday 13th September 2018

Meet at Marine Crescent/South Road junction 1.20pm for 1.30pm start

A maximum of 20 members can attend

There are only 14 places left as at 15th August 2018

There is no charge for this event , David Scott will be in attendance to enlighten members on the history and architecture of the area.

See George Birchall at AFF desk or call 0151 287 0308 or 07826 048379