Wine Tasting at Scatchards

A further wine tasting at Scratchards will take place on August 28th
The usual format, 6 wines, this time from South Africa, with chorizo, cheese, olives etc.

Cost for tasting £7 , return taxi available from Maghull Square (approx. 6.30pm) for £8 per person. Pay on booking only.


Contact George Birchall on 0151 287 0308 or 07826048379

Early booking essential
Please see George Birchall at Wine Tasting desk

Notices – 3rd July 2018

Lost Property
A few items were left on the coach after the return from The Netherlands last Saturday. Please contact Jane Jones if these may be yours
Please return copies of a borrowed book
If you have borrowed a copy Cliff Duncan’s book about his wartime experiences could you please return this to Cliff asap or pass it to Dot Brannigan or Group Support at coffee morning.    
Architecture for Fun
The group will be visiting the Synagogue/Greek Orthodox Church in Princes Drive on Thursday 12th July at 11am. Please meet outside the synagogue which is close to the corner of Princes Drive and Upper Parliament Street

Walking Group: Mow Cop

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10 of us set out this morning to undertake a 6.5 mile hike ( according to Phil) in the village of Mow Cop. This is an isolated village which straddles the Cheshire–Staffordshire border, and is divided between the North West and West Midlands regions of England. Atop the hill is a folly, which was the subject of a bitter dispute between two rival land owners several hundred years ago. From the NT car park we followed part of the Gritstone trail, and sampled some of the finest walking in Cheshire. Had it been a clear day we would have had stunning views in all directions from the gritstone ridges abutting the Cheshire plain. Sadly the heat haze obscured many distant landmarks but we were able to see the Lovell telescope at Jodrell Bank very clearly. Continue reading

‘End of term’ – Early Stage French

Thurs.5th July and it’s our final morning before the summer break.  It was held at Marie’s, our Group Leader’s house.  We all gathered together – but no easy day for us! Marie had worked as hard as ever to challenge us and we all had to “get translating”  A pleasant morning with good company, our group is really special.  We had  lovely cream cakes and Tony (Snape that is) did us proud with a beautiful home made ginger cake – delicious!  As a group we thanked Marie most sincerely for all her hard work and for creating such a lovely working atmosphere.  Will see you in September – maybe we will all have done some homework??? Have a great summer.

Pedal Pushers: On the Wirral Way

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5 Members of the Pedal Pushers cycling group took advantage of the shady paths of the Wirral Way today completing a 13 mile ride from Hooton to West Kirby. 95% of the route was off road, so we had a great ride through some lovely countryside and enjoyed a snack lunch at the local café in Thurstaston, just 3 miles from the end of our ride. Thanks Bill for doing a recce of the Wirral line stations noting step free access…If only Mersey rail could do the same!

July Real Ale Appreciation Meet Up

On 27th July we will be visiting various ale houses around Waterloo.  Please could you meet from 12 noon in the Picture House, South Road (Wetherspoon).  Those that wish to can have a bite to eat here.  We will also be visiting the Volunteer Canteen, Trap and Hatch and Four Ashes.  The 133 bus goes to Waterloo and arrives at Maghull Square at 23 minutes past the hour.  I will get on at the stop just before at 1122.  The last 133 bus leaves Waterloo at 1712.  Alternatively you could catch the train and change at Sandhills.  Look forward to seeing you then.

Garden Visits – Lyme Park (NT)

A visit to Lyme Park, owned by the National Trust has been arranged for  Thursday 23rd August 2018.  Lyme Park is a glorious house nestling on the edge of the Peak District surrounding by gardens and deer park. The 1,400 acre estate has a medieval herd of red deer and offers fantastic walks and stunning views. Visit the rose garden, ravine garden and luxurious herbaceous borders next to the reflecting lake where Mr Darcey met Miss Bennet in the BBC production of “Pride and Prejudice” .

Our first stop is Brookside Garden Centre where we will have time for morning refreshments etc.   Lyme Park has a timber yard cafe and restaurant which offers hot & cold snacks, soups and most importantly, a range of cakes !!

Cost of trip: NT members. – £13, Non NT – £23

Depart Maghull Square  – 8.45am
Return Maghull Square  – 6pm approx