Welsh – Achlysur Brenhinol Iawn

Mis yma, mi aeth y dosbarth Cymraeg i’r Royal Hotel, Waterloo am ginio.  Cawsom fwyd ardderchog a cwmni gwych.  Cafodd bawb amser da a mi oedd yna ddigon o le i chwarae cuddio hefo nain i un ohonnom!!

Welsh language – A Right Royal Occasion
The Welsh group had their get together at the Royal Hotel, Waterloo this month. The food was excellent, the company brilliant and one of us found time to play hide and seek with granny!!


Family history – Summer Essence

What did your family do in the summer?

Holidays?  Where did you go to?  Did you just stay with family in other areas?
Days out?  Where did you visit?

The Royal Family move to the Highlands of Scotland and the Pope moves out of Rome, did your family have a summer residence !

Come and entertain us with your memories, photos and souvenirs !