Wine tasting at the Summer Solstice

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40 U3A members took advantage of the longer hours of daylight this evening and attended a wine tasting evening hosted at Scatchards, where we sampled Chilean wines. Two whites, a rose and three reds were tasted, accompanied by chorizo, goats cheese, crackers and olives. The evening was a great success with lively conversation, not all about the wine, and it was great to see several new U3A members attending the evening. Thanks to George Birchall for arranging the evening and transportation to and from the event.

Foodie Group: Who ate all the pies?

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The foodie group met today for our usual monthly meeting and sampled pies created by Dave, Brian, Ann and Lillian. Thank you all for your contributions. For savoury we tried corned beef and onion pie; and an unnamed creation that had no specific recipe but developed as it was being made! It might not have a name but it certainly went down well!  For desserts we had offerings of quick lime pie, Jamaican crunch pie  and cake in a mug. It can certainly be said no one goes home hungry from the meetings. After all the carbs we are sampling salads next month and finalising our plans for the summer picnic in August.

Architecture for fun – Wroxeter

11th October 2018

A coach visit to Wroxeter which is near Shrewsbury , Wroxeter is a roman town and we have entry and audio devices included in the cost

From there we are proposing to visit a local vineyard where along with wine tastings we will be provided with a one course lunch and tea/coffee , this will depend on 36 (39 booked now – bigger coach) members booking the trip. Trip fully booked.

Cost for English Heritage members £32.00 and non English Heritage members £39.00

Meet at Maghull Square at 8.15am for 8.30am departure

See David Scott or George Birchall at AFF desk

Sizergh Castle and Leighton Hall (Near Kendal)

Thursday 9th August 2018

Coach visit to the above with (a) Sizergh Castle which is a National Trust property including entry and a short talk  and (b) Leighton Hall including entry and a guided tour and a Birds of Prey display. Lunch will be available at Sizergh Castle at extra cost.

Only 36 places available. ONLY 5 PLACES LEFT

Contact George Birchall on 07826 048379 or 0151 287 0308

Cost per member is £22.00 for National Trust members and £31.00 for non National Trust members

See David Scott or George Birchall at AFF desk