Notices – 5 June 2018

Theatre Group

Names for the trip to the Royal Albert Hall, December 4-6th are now being taken. . Please see the theatre desk for further details including single room charge.

The bus for the ballet at the Lowry theatre this coming Friday will leave Maghull Square at 5.45.

Maths for Fun

A reminder that the next meeting will be this Wednesday, 6th June at 2.30 when we will look at maths in Art and Architecture.

Please try to bring a compass, pencil and ruler with you as there will be lots of drawing to do.

Very important notice – MBC coffee morning room set up

We come into coffee morning every Tuesday to this room set up and ready for us all to use. However, we have been struggling lately to get sufficient members to volunteer to set up the tables and chairs prior to our coffee morning starting. Last week we had only two people setting up which would have been pretty pressurised and physical as when we all arrived everything was ready for us to use. Clearly that’s unfair and can’t continue.

Our Tuesday mornings can only function effectively if all the tables and chairs are set up in their correct positions prior to the group leaders arriving.

Can you please consider if you have some time from about 9.00am to assist the “setting up team” in their “voluntary capacity” to provide an adequate layout for the coffee morning to run smoothly and if possible to help clear away afterwards.

Please see George Birchall or me if you can spare 30 minutes from 9.00am on Tuesdays to carry out this very important exercise

Walking group out this Thursday.

Long walk 9.5 miles meet at Maghull station to catch the 9:31 train to Moorfields and onward to Chester. Bring a packed lunch.

Short walk: 4 miles; Meet at sefton lane bus stop to catch the  9:25 bus for Lady Green Garden centre at 10:15 if going by car . Lunch at a local pub. 
