Garden visits – RHS Tatton

We have arranged a trip to the RHS Flower Show Tatton Park Knutsford on  Friday, 20th July 2018.  This should be an interesting and exciting show for all garden lovers with many award winning plants etc.  Set in the magnificent parklands of Tatton Park in Cheshire, the show is a spectacular day out. Featuring innovative show gardens, floral marquee, talks, demonstrations, advise, trade stands and exhibitions, all wrapped up in vibrant carnival atmosphere.  The cost of the trip will be £34 –  this includes coach and entrance.

Depart Maghull Square. –  8.45am prompt

Return Maghull Square – 6pm approx


Relaxation Class 6 week course

Active Sefton are looking to start a 6 week free relaxation course  starting Thursday August 2nd to 6 September.  To start this course we need 10 people who are aged 65 and over, male or female, and who have not attended either of the Zumba classes run by Active Sefton with Maghull and Lydiate U3A.  Once we have met this criteria we can then take names from ladies who attend or have attended either of the Zumba classes.  The classes will be held at St Andrews Parish Hall which is on the corner of Damfield Lane and Deyes Lane.

If you are interested please come to the Group Support Desk on a Tuesday morning or ring or text Brenda McKenzie on 07900525222