Notices 10th April

Theatre Group

Tickets for Paint your Wagon are now available from the theatre desk.

Last chance to book tickets for Miss Saigon in Manchester- again enquire at the theatre desk for cost, transport etc.

Driving and Road safety plus parking

Paul Mountford, Merseyside Police road safety ( and a colleague) will be attending on Tuesday 17th to address the issue of pavement parking and safer driving.

Appeal for Volunteers
Maghull Parish Hall is now 100 years old and consequently is regularly in need of general repairs and maintenance. The current Committee and Volunteers, due to age and medical conditions, are struggling with the upkeep of the building and there are not enough funds to employ tradesman. They are appealing for more able bodied people with suitable skills and/or experience, from groups who regularly use the facilities , to offer some assistance.
If more help is not forthcoming  they have advised they will be forced to close the Hall.
If you can spare some time please contact Val Bridges on either 0151 526 4161 or 077611 32932

Nordic walking back to Lydiate

The Nordic Walking Group will move back to Lydiate from 9th April.  They start walking at 6.30 for 1.5 hours.  If you are interested in joining this group you have to attend a four-hour training session.  Training sessions are being held in Maghull on 14th and 15th May from 12.45 for 2 hours on each day.  You have to enrol on this course as there are limited places. A new Nordic group will be starting Monday 14th May at 10.15am and will meet every 2nd and 4th Monday mornings at that time at Meadows Leisure Centre and will walk for 1 hour.  If you want further details come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or ring 0151 531 0207,  Below are members of the group completing the last walk in Maghull.  They walked from The Baptist Church along the  canal to the bridge at the Bootle Arms and back, just under 4 miles  just over 1 hour.   .

Walking Group visit 3 parks

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21 members of the walking group set off from St Michaels station this morning in beautiful Spring sunshine. Given the awful weather over the last few days we were delighted to see the clear blue sky and feel warm sunshine giving us a welcome dose of vitamin D. During the course of the walk the layers came off, with many of the group finishing the walk in short sleeves! Following the path from the station we walked up the very cosmopolitan Lark Lane with its eclectic mix of bars and restaurants, and made our way to Princes Park.  Continue reading

60 Mlynedd Hapus 60 Happy Years

60 deg mlwydd i heddiw mi briododd Wil a Gwyneth yn Eglwys Fethodistiaid Stanley Road.  Roedd y briodfech yn hyfryd yn ei gwisg o sidan taffeta gwyn a’r briodfab yn smart yn ei siwt newydd.  Cafwyd y llun yma er gymeryd tu fewn i’r Eglwys a diolch byth am  hynny achos fod y tywydd y diwrnod hwnw yn wlyb ac yn wyntog iawn.

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Heddiw, hefo eu ffrindiau yn y dosbarth Cymraeg, cafodd Wil a Gwyneth gyfle i ddathlu eu priodas diemwnt.  Roedd Bucks Fizz, Bellini a Proseco i’w yfed and cacen briodas i’w thorri.   Llongyfarchiadau i’r cwpl hapus.

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Garden visits – Bodnant

A garden visit to Bodnant Garden National Trust has been arranged for Wednesday 16th May 2018.  Born in the gentle hills east of the River Conwy, the garden’s beauty is complemented by the stunning, panoramic views across the river to the Mountains of Snowdonia and the perfect place for a wonderful and enjoyable day out for everyone. The garden’s beauty is stunning with rhododendrons, magnolias, camellias and azaleas. The Garden’s most  famous feature is the stunning, yellow cascade of the Laburnum Arch – hoping it’s flowering for our visit.  There is also a cafe and gift shop.

We will first stop at Tweedmill for time to look around and maybe for morning coffee.

Cost of trip  – NT members £14 Non NT members  £24.  

Depart  Maghull Square – 9 am.  Return  6 pm approx