Notices – 24th April

Theatre Group

Tickets for Beautiful are now available at the Theatre Desk

Architecture for Fun
Trip on the 10th May 18 to East Riddlesden Hall , Keighly and Piece Hall Halifax £24 for National Trust members and £31 for non National Trust members.
The price includes return coach travel from Maghull Square , with a talk and guided tour at East Riddlesden Hall , and guided tour at Piece Hall
Lunch will be available at East Riddlesden Hall at an EXTRA COST.
The trip will be leaving Maghull Square at approx. 8.30 – 8.45am and will return to Maghull Square at approx. 6.00pm. 14 places are available, Please see George Birchall at Architecture for Fun desk.

Discussion group
Thur 26th 1.30 @ Melling Tb. Topic is Weather – science or folklore?

Lost Booklet
One of our members – Cliff Duncan – wrote a book some time ago about National
Service – the book is called ‘Serving the Nation’ Cliff advises that he loaned an A4 loose sheets copy of the book to one of our members but hasn’t had it back. If that was you could you please pass it back to Cliff or to me and Ill get it back to Cliff.