A Walk in Sunny Southport

14 Sunday Strollers enjoyed an easy walk around the lake in Southport.

The weather for this time of the year was great and from all accounts everyone enjoyed the fish and chips at the end of the walk.  The next walk will be from Moreton to New Brighton – a flat 5 miles which can be extended to 7 miles by carrying on to the ferry station at Seacombe if you wish.  Otherwise you can catch the train or bus back to Liverpool. We will be getting the 10 o clock train from Maghull and will be in Moreton just before 11 to start our walk.  There are plenty of eating places in New Brighton so you can take your pick.   If you want more details come to Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or ring 531 0207 and speak to John

Notices for 21 February

Theatre Group

  • The confirmed date for Paint Your Wagon at the Everyman is May 18th. Cost without transport is £23 approx
  • Tickets for the Nina Simone Story can now be collected from the Theatre desk

Day Trips

Marj has a trip to Jak Hanson Outlet and Shaw Hill Hotel on 23 February leaving at 9.30. Please see Marj for more information

 Canal Walking Group

The group will be walking from Litherland to Melling along the Leeds Liverpool canal this Thursday 22 Feb.  We will meet at the station for the 9.45 train from Maghull to ultimately arrive at Litherland at 10.23 to then start walking along the canal. Anyone who wants to join us is very welcome. Please see David or Group support for more information if needed

Walking Netball

We now have our own personal trainer at West Lancashire College.  Bec’s had us working on our defence moves today.  The improvement by the end of our one hour session this morning was amazing.  Walking Netball is a great to get the heart rate up and is good fun.  If you want more details come to Group Support Desk on a Tuesday morning.  Lifts are available we meet on a Friday 9.30 to 10.30


Yes it;s that time of year again! Time to join our friendly, sociable group for a 5 day/4 nights dinner/bed/breakfast at the family owned Clarence House Hotel, Tenby, Arriving 19th November and departing 23rd November 2018.  Owned by the Phillips family for over 70 years, it has a superb sea front location and is a short level walk into Town. All the rooms have the usual mod.cons. tv. hospitality tray, hairdryer etc. A lovely dining room overlooking the sea to Caldy Island and the Seagull Bar to relax and chat.  The Hotel provides extras such as two “Happy Hours”  from 5-6pm and 8pm-9pm. On each evening before dinner there is some kind of reception eg.sherry/mince pies, punch bowl etc. On Thursday there is a soup and sandwich lunch, afternoon entertainment and a cream tea or you are free to wander into Tenby for a look round this attractive, popular town. Set on the western edge of Carmarthen Bay, it has charming Georgian Houses, narrow winding streets, a lovely harbour to explore, a Castle with a small museum, the Walls. and individual shops. There is entertainment each evening and  3 interesting excursions.  You’ll be delighted with a visit from Father Christmas bearing gifts!!! The trip will be organised with Airedale Tours  Price £299 (will be less with group discount) Deposit £60. No Single Supplements. Free Insurance. Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday 20th February 2018.



Foodie Group: and the main course is…

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The foodie group met again today for our usual taster session. Following on from starters last month we sampled main courses today. A delicious red Leicester cheese flan, a very tasty Chilli con carne made to a Delia Smith recipe using chuck steak rather than mince, and a rather exotic dish of paella topped off with mussels. Thanks to the members who treated us today. Next month is a foray into desserts so we’ll have spoons at the ready. The group is proving to be extremely successful with the numbers now reaching 27. We have had new members join us at both meetings of 2018. We still have ( a little ) room for more people.  Pasta, pies and salads on the menus for further meetings so if you fancy getting involved, chat to me at a coffee morning or come along to St  James church hall, Green Lane, 10:30 on the third Thursday of the month.

Marg Kendall

Wine Tasting Tuesday 17th April 2018.

A wine tasting is to be held at “Winetime at Scatchards” in Great Howard Street on the above date starting at 7.00pm.

There will be 6 wines to taste from Puglia/Calabria together with Iberico Bellota Chorizo , Unpasteurised Organic Ewes Milk Cheese , a selection of olives and bread/biscuits.

The cost per person is £7.00 , members are to make there own way there or if there are sufficient numbers , taxi transport can be arranged.

There are 16 places still available.

See George Birchall at Wine Tasting desk (20/02/2018 only) or call 07826 048379 or 0151 287 0308.