Local history group

Local history-speakers – March to August 2018

Venue:     Lydiate village hall, Lambshear lane, lydiate, L31 2LA
Time:      2pm and 4pm.
Date:      1st. Tuesday of the month. £2-00 including refreshments.

March 6th  Mr. Ken Pye  “beer, bails and boozers”
Fun stories from some of Liverpool cities most fascinatng pubs.

April 3rd   Mr. Ray Obrian – Merseyside entertainers from both sides of the river-charts the background of stars such as Ken Dodd, Arthur Askey, Leonard Rossitor and Patricia Rutledge.

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sizergh-db-0550-0017We will start our day with coffee at the Barn, Scorton.  This is a lovely venue set in a beautiful village, in an area of outstanding national beauty.  There is a delightful coffee room,  well stocked gift shop, Garden Centre and is close to other interesting venues in Scorton.  Then we are off to Sizergh Castle, Near Kendal.  The home of the Strickland Family, who still live here but it is now owned by the National Trust.  We will have time to explore the House, with all its’ treasures and Gardens which should be full of Spring surprises and if time allows will visit Lower Sizergh Barn for a last minute cup/glass of something.

WHEN Friday 20th April 2018.  Dep.9.15am  Ret.6pm,.  Price: £21.  National Trust Members £10.20.  Seats will be on sale at our table Tuesday next 13th February 2018.

Notices for 6th February

Collection of Children’s’ books for a school in South Africa.
George is still seeking children’s’ books – age 4 to 9 to be sent to the school to help children learn to read. Please bring any books in to coffee morning or talk to George if you have some and this isn’t possible.

Room set up and clearance Tuesday morning
Could all groups that have tables on Tuesday morning please try to clear these quickly once we finish at 11.15 to enable the set up team who have been at the hall since 8.45 a chance to clear up and go home.

Finally a heartfelt plea from Committee.
From April we will not have a Treasurer and as such we are at massive risk of closure. I can’t express strongly enough how desperate our situation is. We need a Treasurer AND a team of Treasurers’ helpers who can work together and, on a rota, help make the Treasurers’ job easier on a Tuesday morning. So please seriously think about whether you can potentially fulfil one of these roles. You would receive lots of support. Please come and chat to me, Frank, Clive or any Committee member to gain a better understanding of the roles