Sunday Strollers 18th February Southport

February’s walk will be an easy 1.5 hours flat walk around the lake and gardens in Southport, followed by fish and chips in a local cafe.  We completed a recce today in bright sunshine, lets hope we are as lucky on the 18th.  We had thought of getting the 11.03 bus but have decided to keep to our usual time of meeting up and will be getting the 11.03 bus (300) from opposite the old library on Liverpool Road.

We have decided on our walks for 2018 which include, a short version of the War Horse trail in Ormskirk, a walk along the canal at Chester, Carr Mill Dam, Ainsdale station to Pinewoods pub, Moreton to New Brighton.  We try to find somewhere to have lunch at the end of each walk which makes it more like a day out.  We use public transport so don’t forget to bring your bus pass (if you have one) If you want more details visit the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning.


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After the success of our Zumba 1 class on Monday morning, Zumba 2 started three weeks ago on a Friday afternoon.  The feedback from both classes has been very positive.  One of ladies shared “its just want we needed” another “love it, love it, love it”.  The music used is proving very popular.   We are very grateful to Active Sefton for providing 6 free sessions for our members and as with Zumba 1, Zumba 2 will continue on a pay as you go system when the free sessions have finished.  There are now enough people on the waiting list for the Friday afternoon for another class and Active Sefton are prepared to offer the ladies on the list a free course, the only problem we have now is trying to find a slot.  So watch this space in the future for Zumba 3.  We would all like to thank Collette our fabulous teacher.