Musical Maths part 2 Wed 7th March

MATHS 4 FUN  2.30 to 4.30 at Kensington House

You may well be surprised how much maths there is in musical instruments. Why do a trumpet, guitar and piano all sound different when playing the same note?   Maths has the answer!

What are the rules behind the most memorable tunes from Mozart, the Beatles. Lloyd Weber and John Williams?  Maths has the answer!

Come along for a fun and stress free afternoon.  Entrance £1.50    More info from Wanda Leach 284 8454 or email

Garden Visits

Wednesday, 14th March 2018 Trentham Garden and The World of Wedgwood. We will visit Trentham Garden Estate for a browse and we have also arranged a visit to the award winning World of Wedgwood museum and factory tour to see how the beautiful ceramics are created. We can then enjoy afternoon tea/coffee and cream scone (included in cost of trip) also time to look around the factory shop. This should be an interesting and enjoyable day out.

Cost £22

Depart Maghull Square-  8.45am

Return 6pm approx

Sunday Strollers 25th March

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March walk will be on 25th March not 18th March.

The first walk is our normal 5 mile flat walk, this will be from Moreton Railway Station to New Brighton.
If there is enough interest we could also offer a 3 mile walk from Seacombe to New Brighton this would mean getting the ferry over to Seacombe and walking along the promenade where there are plenty of seats on the way to have a rest if you want.  If you are interested in this walk please register your interest with at the Group Support desk. or ring 531 0207

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A Magical Meal

Mi aeth y dosbarth Cymraeg am bryd o fwyd i’r ‘Left Babk’ yn Ormskirk dydd Iau diwethaf.  Cawsom bryd o fwyd ardderchog, cwmni gwych a dipyn o hud hefo’r cinio.  Mi welsom driciau wrth ddisgwyl am ein bwyd ac does gan neb ddin syniad sut ddaru y dyn weneud pethau ddiflannu a newid lle o flaen ein trwynau!!

Roedd cwmni difir i’w gael gyda’r ieuengaf ddim ond yn ddwy oed ar hynaf yn naw deg!

Last Thursday the Welsh Group met up for our usual meal of the month.  This month we were booked in at The Left Bank in Ormskirk.  The food was excellent, the company diverse and we were even given a magic show between courses.

From our youngest member who is all of two years of age to our oldest who is ninety all had a great time.

Theatre Group

Theatre Group – February 2018

Now booking at Theatre Desk at the Tuesday coffee morning.

March            Hard Times, Playhouse, Thurs 29th March, Northern Broadsides production.

April              Cinderella (Matthew Bourne), Empire theatre, Fri 13th April.

May               Paint Your Wagon Friday 18th May

Beautiful      Carol King, Fri 4th May, Empire.

                        Crazy for Gershwin, 19th May, Philharmonic.

June               Northern Ballet, Jane Eyre, Friday 8th June, Lowry.

June               Happy Days with Maxine Peake Friday 1st June at the Royal Exchange

(transport will be available)

July                 Son of a Preacher Man, Empire.

Othello, Everyman, Tues 10th July.


TT = Ticket and Transport

Due to the high cost of transport we will not provide transport to Liverpool Theatres unless there is sufficient demand.

However, if you cannot get to the theatre without transport, please come to the Theatre Desk on Tuesday morning to discuss other options.

We do not want you to miss out.  So please come and discuss all options with us.

Walking Group 1st March

The next walk will take place on Thursday 1st March. The short walk has been changed slightly because of the conditions underfoot. The walk will still be 5 miles but will now be a walk in the Ormskirk area, rather than Aughton. Please meet at Ormskirk railway station at 10am. Suggested transport is 9:40 bus from Maghull Square or 9:45 train from Maghull. Lunch can be taken at the Royal Oak pub, Aughton after the walk.

The long walk will be approx. 7 miles. Those wanting to do the longer route meet at Maghull Square at 9:30 . We will walk along the canal to the Weld Blundell in Lydiate. Anyone wishing to join the walk there should be at this point at 10am.  (The 31 bus leaves opposite the Square at 9:40). We will walk onwards over Clieves Hill and will end at the Royal Oak in Aughton for an optional meal. Both walks may be muddy so please wear appropriate footwear. Also due to the predicted low temperatures next week wear plenty of layers and walkers may wish to bring a flask for a warm drink enroute.


Foodie Group: Gone all Scandinavian

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Several members of the Foodie Group, family and friends, dined yesterday evening at L20 restaurant, the hotel school of Hugh Baird College. The 3rd year students had recently visited Oslo, visiting Michelin starred restaurants, fish and vegetable markets and on their return created a menu of Scandinavian cuisine. We had the opportunity to taste cuisine combinations that we had not tried before and were all suitable impressed. Service, as ever, was impeccable and we were delighted when one of the young chefs came out of the kitchen to enquire whether we had enjoyed the evening and what we thought of the menu. Needless to say praise was heaped on the students, and, as an OFSTED visit was planned for today, took the opportunity to leave written feedback for the students’ portfolios. A Summer foraging menu is being planned for May and we have already signed up to revisit then.