Walking group Programme 2018

Date            Walk                    Mode  LW leader    SW leader

4th Jan       Sefton coastline    PT      Margaret K     N/A
1st  Feb       Rhewl.                 Cars    Alan Carr      Judith
1st  Mar       Ormskirk               PT      Margaret S  Judith
5th  Apr       3 parks walk          PT      Margaret S  Chris CS
3rd  May      Anderton               Cars   Ken              Brenda
7th  Jun      D of W Chester       PT      Keith            Judith

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Our philosophy group meets on the third Wednesday of each month. We are a very friendly group, with no experts, just people who are interested in finding out what the meaning of life is all about, and what great thinkers have had to say about it.  Our discussions have ranged from  Plato to the philosophy of walking and lots in between. If you feel you would like to explore Philosophy  come along and you will receive a warm welcome and no prior experience of Philosophy is needed

We recommence after our summer break on Wednesday 18th September 2.30pm Kensington House.  Our topics for this meeting  will be Greek Philosophers  ( a re look )  we will also look at the current concept of ” KARMA”.  and plan our programme for the year.

Group Leader  Tony Snape  Tel : 526 3146.


Hfree-vector-essex_084834_essexave you thought about this year’s holiday yet?  If not, why not consider joining our 5 day/4 nights dinner/bed/breakfast break to Essex, a County of contrasts with historic villages, scenic towns and interesting attractions. It captures the epitome of rural England.  Departing on  Thurs.12.7.18 to Mon.16.7.18.  Staying at the Holiday Inn,Colchester, which is a comfortable Hotel with an indoor swimming pool and Health Club.  This is a proud County, beloved by John Constable who painted many aspects of it.  There are lots of things to see/do and excursions and entrance fees are included in the price.  We will cross over into Suffolk, another beautiful County immortalised by Thomas Gainsborough.  We have a couple of twin rooms available at a cost of £380 per person.  Don’t delay, book to-day! Join our group on this short break.  Full information is available at the Day Trip’s table.

Technology and Science

Change to the advertised schedule

Our first meeting of the new year will be this Wednesday 10th January at 2.30 in Kensington House, Station Road when the subject will be:-
Brakes & Car Safety Systems” Colin Bennett
24th January         EMP – Electro Magnetic Pulse Protection
14th Feb.              Lithium – Chemistry, Production & Usage in Power System’s
28th Feb.              Subject to be confirmed
14th & 28th Mar    Subjects to be confirmed
11th & 25th April   Subjects to be confirmed
Help required – Can you provide a subject or a presentation please?
We urgently need topics for late Feb and March while Phil is away.

Sunday Strollers 21st January

The next Sunday Strollers walk will be on 21st January.  This will be awalking local walk.  We will meet at Maghull Station at 10.50.  Please bring your bus pass if you have one. We will have lunch/drink at the end and will hopefully sort out the walks for 2018.  If you are unable to make the walk but you know of a walk that the group could complete during the year please come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday or ring  Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207.  We are looking for flat walks up to 5 miles.

New Zumba Class starts 19th January

The first Zumba class that started before Christmas has proved to  be very successful and will continue to meet on a Monday at 9 am.  This class is nowzumba-300x112_1-300x199 full but a second class is due to start on 19th January – 2.30 at Maghull Town Hall.  If you are interested come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning to register onto the 6 week free course.  This class is also proving popular so hurry if you want to be involved. If you are unable to come on a Tuesday morning  ring 0151 531 0207 and speak to Brenda McKenzie


Theatre Group

Due to the high cost of transport we cannot book a bus unless it is full. 

We will no longer provide transport to the Liverpool theatres.

We will however, always provide transport to the Philharmonic and the Manchester theatres.

We do have access to a 7 seater taxi at a good rate.  We would need to fill the taxi to make the cost viable.  If therefore, you need transport please let us know.

Thurs 22nd March        Nina Simone Story with live band   

The Unity Theatre           ticket only –  £21.00    

Thurs 29th March         Hard Times 

The Playhouse               ticket only – £20.00

Fri 13th April                 Cinderella (Ballet, Matthew Bourne) 

Empire Theatre               ticket only- £26.00

Fri 4th May                      Beautiful -Carol King story

Empire Theatre             ticket only – £43.00

Coming Soon:

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Walking Group: Coastal meander

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12 hardy walkers donned their boots today for the first walk of 2018.Both groups walked together as we had decided to do a meander rather than a yomp to ease the group into the new walking year. Starting at Crosby Lakeside Leisure Centre we strode along the boardwalk and then did a semi-circuit of the Marine lake to reach the promenade. It was necessary here to tackle a very sand filled path, where there was much evidence of the recent high Spring tides with a large amount of flotsam and jetsam strewn along the shore and the path. We managed to stay dry in spite of high tide and having reached the coastguard station took the route through the parks to return back to our start point at Marine Terrace, some 5.5 miles from our start. Emerging from our welcome drinks at Waterloo place we were amazed to find that the wind had become very strong, and were glad that we had completed our first walk in calm weather. The next walk will be on Thursday 1st February, Lady Bagot’s Drive, Rhewl, North Wales. Further details in due course.