Notices for 23rd January

Theater Group
Tickets for One For The Road and Swan Lake – collect from the Theater Desk

Play-Reading and Drama Group
The Play-Reading and Drama Group is hoping to reform in February. They usually meet at 2 pm on the second Tuesday of each month (though this is open to negotiation.
If you are interested in simply play-reading for enjoyment; play-reading to be read in performance, or in acting in a short production, please ring Elsie Bickerstaff on 526 6511 or add your name and telephone number to the notice on the notice-board.
No previous experience necessary – just come along and enjoy.

Maghull Baptist Church have asked that we make sure we don’t park on the grass around the car park as it is getting damaged.

Walking group: Thursday 1st Feb walk
The group are doing 2 walks in the area of Rhewl Near Ruthin N Wales. Short walk is approx 5 miles and the long walk in approx. 7 miles. There are a few stiles and it may be muddy in parts so please dress accordingly
Lunch afterwards in the Drovers Arms Pub.

Sunday Strollers

Today 11 of us walked from Old Roan to Maghull and then 4 others members joined us for lunch at Scrummies.  We all agreed the scouse was great and the weather was as kind as it could be to us and we only had light rain when we were walking.    We have sorted out our walks for 2018 and will be going to Chester, Carr Mill Dam, New Brighton, Ormkirk (War Horse Walk) Southport, West Kirby, all using our bus passes.   If you want more information come to Group Support Desk on a Tuesday morning.

phote from canal old roan photo


Sunday Strollers will be walking this Sunday 21st January.  We will get the 11 o clock train from Maghull to Old Roan and walk back along the canal to Maghull.  This is a flat 4.5 mile walk, the walking surface is good and we plan to have lunch at Scrummies at 1.15pm.  We need to book for lunch so need numbers by Friday.  If the weather is not suitable to walk we still intend to go for lunch and discuss what walks we are going to do this year.  Please ring 0151 531 0207 or 07900525222 and speak to John or Brenda.  Below are pictures when we did the recce last week.  As you can see we were lucky with the weather it was very cold but sunny so a very enjoyable walk.  Some times we do not appreciate what is on our door step!!!.

photo from canal old roan 2 phote from canal old roan

Notices for 16th January

Newsletter: Our new newsletter is available for collection today. Ensure you collect the flyer for more information on the vacant role of Treasurer which must be filled if our U3A is to continue. Contact Frank Mercer or Clive if you need further information on the role

Day trips Trips Fri.23.2.18 – please visit day trips table to collect choice of meal slip.
Theatre Group: Booking now for:
Thursday 22 March at Unity Theatre – The Nina Simone Story £23.
Thursday 29 March at the Playhouse – Hard Times by Northern Broadsides Company.
Friday 13 April at Empire Theatre – Mathew Bourne’s Cinderella.
Friday 4th May at Empire Theatre – Beautiful, the Carol King musical.
Please see theatre desk for seat and transport costs
Birdwatching: A meeting will be held today at 11.30 in the coffee room
Philosophy: Jan 17th – John Rawls, 20th C.  American Philosopher. ALL WELCOME
Parking at Maghull Baptist Church Could all members please be considerate when parking, and if using the MBC car park please stay within one parking space rather than leaving big gaps when parking. The Cricket Club car park has plenty of space which we can also use. Cars should not be parked on the roadside outside MBC – today one of our members needed to assist a lady with a pram who was having great difficulty navigating the pavement due to parked cars