For the second time in 2017 the Improvers’ Bridge Group set off for a four day bridge holiday in St. Anne’s.
The hotel was resplendent (as were we) in its Christmas finery and the food was up to its usual excellent standard.
Each evening session began with cocktails followed by a four course meal and on one occasion we were visited by Father Christmas and his Elves. His bulging sack held a surprise for each of us as we were handed our present for being good all year!!
Getting down to business we played five sessions of duplicate bridge and attended one seminar; our defence skills should now be honed to perfection! There was the usual great atmosphere with many familiar faces, all eager to find out how we had got on since our last meeting and trying to work out how great a challenge we were going to be!!
Under the brilliant leadership of Gwen Beattie, the Tournament Director, the sessions were challenging but fun at the same time. True to form, we did our U3A proud bringing in one first place, three thirds and several fourths. We carried bottles of wine and boxes of chocolates home with us as testimony to our increasing skills.
All in all this was a great start to all the Christmas festivities that were just around the corner. Jane Jones