Notices for 23rd January

Theater Group
Tickets for One For The Road and Swan Lake – collect from the Theater Desk

Play-Reading and Drama Group
The Play-Reading and Drama Group is hoping to reform in February. They usually meet at 2 pm on the second Tuesday of each month (though this is open to negotiation.
If you are interested in simply play-reading for enjoyment; play-reading to be read in performance, or in acting in a short production, please ring Elsie Bickerstaff on 526 6511 or add your name and telephone number to the notice on the notice-board.
No previous experience necessary – just come along and enjoy.

Maghull Baptist Church have asked that we make sure we don’t park on the grass around the car park as it is getting damaged.

Walking group: Thursday 1st Feb walk
The group are doing 2 walks in the area of Rhewl Near Ruthin N Wales. Short walk is approx 5 miles and the long walk in approx. 7 miles. There are a few stiles and it may be muddy in parts so please dress accordingly
Lunch afterwards in the Drovers Arms Pub.