Sunday Strollers 21st January

The next Sunday Strollers walk will be on 21st January.  This will be awalking local walk.  We will meet at Maghull Station at 10.50.  Please bring your bus pass if you have one. We will have lunch/drink at the end and will hopefully sort out the walks for 2018.  If you are unable to make the walk but you know of a walk that the group could complete during the year please come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday or ring  Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207.  We are looking for flat walks up to 5 miles.

New Zumba Class starts 19th January

The first Zumba class that started before Christmas has proved to  be very successful and will continue to meet on a Monday at 9 am.  This class is nowzumba-300x112_1-300x199 full but a second class is due to start on 19th January – 2.30 at Maghull Town Hall.  If you are interested come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning to register onto the 6 week free course.  This class is also proving popular so hurry if you want to be involved. If you are unable to come on a Tuesday morning  ring 0151 531 0207 and speak to Brenda McKenzie