Walking Group: Coastal meander

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12 hardy walkers donned their boots today for the first walk of 2018.Both groups walked together as we had decided to do a meander rather than a yomp to ease the group into the new walking year. Starting at Crosby Lakeside Leisure Centre we strode along the boardwalk and then did a semi-circuit of the Marine lake to reach the promenade. It was necessary here to tackle a very sand filled path, where there was much evidence of the recent high Spring tides with a large amount of flotsam and jetsam strewn along the shore and the path. We managed to stay dry in spite of high tide and having reached the coastguard station took the route through the parks to return back to our start point at Marine Terrace, some 5.5 miles from our start. Emerging from our welcome drinks at Waterloo place we were amazed to find that the wind had become very strong, and were glad that we had completed our first walk in calm weather. The next walk will be on Thursday 1st February, Lady Bagot’s Drive, Rhewl, North Wales. Further details in due course.



Our FEBRUARY lunch date is Sunday 04

The venue will be The Weld Blundell, Lydiate

1.30pm for 2.00pm

Booking will be on Tuesday 16th January at the Day Trips desk

Menu choices will be available and either  a deposit or full payment will be required.

Please note you will not be able to change your mind about the number of courses after you have booked.