Notices for 30th January

Theatre Group

Nina Simone Story, Unity Theatre,  22 March,  £21,  no transport

Hard Times at the Playhouse Liverpool 29 March. Ticket only £20

Happy Days – Maxine Peake 1st June Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester,

Maths for Fun

Wed 7th February 2.30 – 4.30 @ KH – The Maths in Music

Walking group

Thursday 1st Feb walk – 2 walks near Rhewl, Ruthin,  N Wales.

Short – 5 miles,  long – 7 miles. Meet Baptist church car park 9:30 to arrange car share.

Expected muddy so spare shoes please. Lunch at the Drovers arms.

Practical Gardening

Monday 5th Feb  – 10am at Maghull Parish Hall, Damfield Lane.  Our discussions will include winter garden successes and concerns and gearing up for the gardening year ahead.  All welcome

Italian Language Course 

10 week course starting Friday 2nd Feb at Kensington House – contact George Birchall

Garden visits

Coach to Lord Martin Garden Centre -7th Feb – Maghull Square at 9.15 prompt.

Subscription renewals

We currently have reserves in our U3A funds. Our Committee have decided that for the 18/19 year the annual subscription will be reduced to £6. This is a decision for this year only and subscriptions for 19/20 will be determined towards the end of this year when they will potentially return to a higher figure.

Keep The Grey Cells Working!


We’re all concerned with keeping our mental processes as sharp as can be , have you ever considered that a new challenge might just be what’s needed?

In a joint venture with Aintree U3A we hold Beginners and Improvers’ Bridge classes every Monday at Aintree Youth and Community Centre at 13:00.  If you’ve never tried the game why not give it a go?  Our new beginners group won’t start till September but you can dust off any skills you already have with our Improvers’ Group.

Come along on a Monday and see what we’re up to or give me a ring on 526 2530 – you know it makes sense!!!!!!!!!!

Bridge Group Comes Up Trumps


For the second time in 2017 the Improvers’ Bridge Group set off for a four day bridge holiday in St. Anne’s.

The hotel was resplendent (as were we) in its Christmas finery and the food was up to its usual excellent standard.

Each evening session began with cocktails followed by a four course meal and on one occasion we were visited by Father Christmas and his Elves.   His bulging sack held a surprise for each of us as we were handed our present for being good all year!!

Continue reading

Musical Maths Wed 7th Feb

MATHS 4 FUN     Kensington House  2.30  –  4.30

Our topic for February is The Maths in Music. MusicIntervals1

Come and find out how the same numbers work for Bach, the Beatles, Lloyd Webber and John Williams. Explore the simple patterns that make some music unforgettable. Whether or not you have any knowledge of music or maths, this entertaining stuff will help you tune in and chill out.

MusicNotes1No stress, lots of laughs.

Bring a simple calculator if you need.

All welcome. Entrance £1.50

More info from Wanda Leach



There will now be a Sunday lunch on 04 March at

The Park Hotel, Park Lane, Netherton

1.30pm for 2.00pm

Booking will be on Tuesday, 06 February at Day Trips desk. There will be a deposit of £5 payable at time of booking and balance must be paid by 27 February.

Menu choice slips will be available.  Please return these as soon as possible

February Walk

walkingThe next walk will take place on Thursday 1st February. There will be two walks one of 8 miles and one of 5 miles. Following the recce it has been reported that the paths are exceptionally muddy, so some amendments to the routes may be necessary. We will sort this out on the day. Both walks involve a couple of stiles. As the walk is in North Wales we will be car sharing. Please meet at the Baptist church car park at 9:30  to organise car share. Passengers will be required to contribute towards fuel and tunnel tolls. Also please bring a change of footwear to prevent muddying the interior of cars on the return journey. Lunch will be available at the Drovers Arms at the end of the walk. New U3A members are welcome…just turn up on the day. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear.

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Haskayne to Melling  –  25th January 2018

Today’s walk began with a No. 300 bus ride to Haskayne where we joined the canal to make our way South towards our destination for this leg in Melling. Showers were forecast, but we started off in sunshine. We were serenaded by a frog band on the early part of the walk and we passed the canalside Snaffles Cafe too soon for a tea break. Pity – it has rave reviews. We passed through Continue reading