Real ale appreciation – YACP

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YACP Yet Another Christmas Party !

A dozen members turned out for the Christmas session on Friday.

We started in the Frank Hornby with a table moving session that finally got us all seated together. After a couple of drinks we moved on to Brenda and Johns where we sipped and supped until after dark in a very relaxed session.  Excellent !

Thanks to all for making it happen.

Foodie Group : Xmas meal at L20

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20 members of the Foodie Group enjoyed a lovely Xmas Lunch today at L20 restaurant, the hotel school of Hugh Baird College. As can be seen from the photos we dined well on carefully prepared and beautifully presented cuisine. Served by students of the college, who have only been in training since September of this year, we enjoyed a very pleasant, rather long lunch, in ambient surroundings, with good company and very pleasant wines. An excellent way to round off our foodie year. Happy Christmas to all the group. We reconvene for our usual meetings on 18th January, 10:30 at St James Church Hall, Green Lane. New members welcome…just come along on the day.

Christmas Concert

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The annual Christmas concert took place today, instead of the usual coffee morning. Well attended by U3A members, the event raised over £400 which will be donated to Woodlands Hospice, Aintree. We were entertained by children from St George’s Primary School, who were not only in good voice but well behaved given the excitement of performing in front of  a large audience. Gwen Parry from the poetry group read an amusing poem. Bill Howarth narrated a Christmas reading and another poem (sorry Bill your picture failed to take!) and then the newly formed U3A recorder group performed their inaugural concert. Given that they have only existed a few short months they performed well. Finally we were treated to another new group (this time from Aintree U3A) whose ukulele group, all self taught, played carols and Christmas songs to get us in the mood for the festive season.. Coffee and mince pies were then served by the hard working kitchen team. U3A is now closed for the Christmas break and will reopen on Tuesday 9th January 2018.

Extra Trip to Harris Gallery. amended item

Harris Gallery Open Exhibition Is amazingly varied ,contentious and totally eclectic.      A must see to start our New Years viewings of local gems.

Saturday January 13th


Due to rail works above  weekend.

A bus will be available . Please check with Mag St to get times

Meet at Ormskirk 10.30 am for 10,40  on to Preston.

Best to buy ticket to Preston at  Maghull stating you want to your ticket to start from Ormskirk.

you can do this in advance to save time on the day

No fee , no tour, just a wander around three large 20171208_183558rooms and be amazed.

small cafe on site

Contact Maureen to reserve place

December Walk: Downholland Circular

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Today both groups of walkers set off from the Ship Inn at Haskayne to complete the last walks of 2017. We were expecting very bad weather so were all suitably attired in heavy boots and waterproofs, but our fears were not met and we all completed a good walk and remained dry, if a little windswept! The long walk, led by Alan Carr, took a route from Haskyne through to Halsall and Downholland using some very muddy fields, tracks, roads and canal footpaths and was a little over 9 miles in length. We set a good pace and completed the route in just over 3 hours. The shorter walk, led by Judith Jones, took a different route along the canal towpath, and then joined the same route as the other walk, across fields and climbing the 7 or so stiles near the end of the route. They were pleased to have achieved a walk of just over 6 miles which is slightly longer than their usual meander. Continue reading