New chairperson

Due to personal reasons Tony Kneebone felt the need to stand down as Chair.

The Committee is very pleased to be able to appoint Dot Brannigan to fill the vacancy thus arising. Dot will now hold the position though to the next AGM in May 2018.

Dot joined our committee in May and is the joint group leader of our Practical Gardening group. I am sure you will all join me in wishing Dot all the best in her new position and will give her your support.

Please share this information with your group.

Walking Group: Burscough meander

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14 members of the walking group set out from Burscough village yesterday for a 6 mile meander around the local countryside led by Sue Daniels. The day was bright and dry, if not sunny, but recent rain had made some of the paths extremely boggy. Starting at the canal we travelled part of the route already undertaken by the canal walking group, but then left the water to walk across local fields, paths, byways and highways. As the group was mixed, with both long and short walkers (that is the  distance people usually walk not vertically challenged people !) we had a couple of stops, where some of the group took the opportunity to sneak a quick coffee, or in some cases something a little stronger (purely to warm extremities I was assured!) Continue reading