Walking Group : December Walk

walkingThe next walks will take place on Thursday 7th December leaving from the Ship Inn at Haskayne at 10:15. Please note there is a bus strike on that day so walkers will need to use their own transport. If anyone has difficulty getting to the start point please see walking group leaders at coffee morning on Tuesday as lifts may be available.

The short walk is 5 miles and will follow the canal towpath, good footpaths and quiet lanes, before returning to the Ship Inn for lunch.

The longer walk is 8 miles, starting at Haskayne, walking through Barton Nature Reserve to Halsall where we will then pick up the short walk route to return to the Ship. There are a number of stiles on this walk.

Conditions underfoot on both walks are generally good, but in view of the time of year good stout footwear is essential. Please arrive by 10am to start the walks at 10:15.

Theatre Group

Theatre Group  December 2017 (Please come to the Theatre Desk, open every Tuesday Coffee Morning at the Baptist Church in Maghull to book your tickets)

Thurs 18th Jan         Jersey Boys (Please pay in full by 5th December)

Sat 13th Jan              Little Mermaid    Everyman Theatre (matinee performance)

Wed 7th Feb             Swan Lake           Empire  – Russian State Ballet

Ticket price, to be arranged.    TT = Ticket and Transport

Due to the high cost of transport we will not provide transport to Liverpool Theatres unless there is sufficient demand.  However, if you cannot get to the theatre without transport, please come to the Theatre Desk on Tuesday morning to discuss other options.

We do not want you to miss out.  So please come and discuss all options with us.

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Our first lunch of the New Year (where did the last one go to!)

The venue will be The Alt Park, Northway on

Sunday 07 January 2018

1.30pm(ish) for 2.00pm

No deposits required and you can choose on the day.

Bookings will be taken on Tuesday, 05 December only as the Carol Service will be held the following week and there won’t be any tables set up.

Book of the Dead change of date Wednesday 21st March.

 The Book of The Dead. Passport to the underworld            Book of the Dead

Go back in time to find if you are entitled to eternal life.

Victoria Gallery Museum, Ashton St. Mount Pleasant Liverpool

Meet at venue

Wednesday 21st March  1.15 for 1.30 pm  tour

or  earlier if  lunching at cafe.

N.B.We need to advise cafe if we are lunching in advance.

A free tour of an exhibition of Egyptian art and artifacts never before displayed.

Plus interactive tour of  building. SO! don’t forget your I.Pad

Must book in at desk Tuesdays.



We will start our day at Jak Hansons Outlet in Standish.  This is a family owned business selling cut price clothnig, shoes, linen, cards and lots lots more including a Food Hall and Butchers sellling locally produced meat.  Time to visit their Paddock Restaurant for a tea/coffee etc.  Then we will be off to the comfortable Shaw Hill Hotel and Golf Spa in Chorley.  A lovely Hotel set in beautiful grounds which includes a golf course.  Here we will have a 3 course meal in their Vardons Restaurant overlooking the golf course, which has an enviable reputation for good food and the Chefs source as much local food as possible.

When?  Friday 23rd February 2018.  Dep.9.30am  Ret. 4.30pm.  Price £24 includes 3 course lunch.  Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday 28h November 2017

Practical Gardening

We started our November meeting planning forward to next year. Some of the group had moved plants which were in the wrong places, one had had a stepping stone path laid across the lawn which had proved very successful and all had essentially been clearing out and tidying up.

We found that during Summer Cosmos had proven very popular with many planning to grow it again from seed.

cosmos 2cosmos






Having practiced taking geranium cuttings at the last meeting we reviewed successes and failures – there had been both

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Parish notices 21/11/17

Terracota Warriors 10th Feb 18  All outstanding money for the visit must be paid asap or the place will be forfeited to a reserve member

Christmas Social 1st December Royal British Legion  Please make sure you have your tickets for our Christmas Social – our event of the year. Price is £12 including hot and cold buffet, music, vocals and dance – what’s not to love !!

Architecture for Fun Christmas Lunch  Anyone who hasn’t paid needs to do so now – see George B.  Also if you haven’t chosen from the menu see George and complete the necessary form

Childrens Books age 3 to 9  George is collecting Children’s’ Books age 3 to 9. These will then be sent by George’s son in law to a scheme called ‘ HELP A SOUTH AFRICAN SCHOOL’ and will assist the teachers in helping children to read.

Please bring your books to MBC on the 28th; if you need books collecting George is happy to do so – contact George by phone ( 0151 287 0308 or 07826 048379)

Booking trips and holidays  Committee have discussed the arrangements for booking trips and holidays and have decided in the interests of fairness and equal access for all, that anybody booking a trip or holiday should only be able to book for themselves and one other person. If you have any issues with this decision please talk to me or take this up with group support on their desk.

Discussion Group  The next meeting is this Thursday at 1.30 to 3 in Melling Tithebarn with the subject for discussion ‘Privacy have we got any left’ All are welcome . Entrance is £1 including refreshments

Christmas Concert 12 December  Baked goods need to be collected from the bakery in Walton on 11th December by 1pm. Could someone with a decent sized boot please volunteer to do this collection. Please see Marg Kendall on group support.

Sale of goods today  Mary is selling items today to raise money for McMillan

‘A Yorkshire Christmas’ holiday  Meeting in coffee room 11.15 to 11.30 today

Carol Concert – Old Roan Methodist Church for Woodlands Hospice 7.30 2 December (doors open at 7)  Ian G has asked that members please support the Carol Concert above. Tickets are £5 each or you can pay on the door. All money raised will go to Woodlands Hospice

Theatre Group  There are a few tickets available for New Year at the Philharmonic price £42.  You can also now book for Jersey Boys on the 18th January. Please note tickets can’t be transferred and must be paid for before we finish on the 12th December.

U3A Diaries are on sale price £2

Car parking at Maghull Baptist Church  One of our members has asked that we all ensure we are parking ‘sensibly’ to maximise parking space. (Some cars have been ‘crossing over spaces’ and not ‘parking straight’)

Canal walking group  Reminder that our minibus is MBC at 9 am this Thursday to allow for the nights’ drawing in

and finally …

A reminder of our vacancies –  Treasurer, Treasurer’s ‘helpers’ (on a weekly rota)  (we must get a better title this is too reminiscent of Santa’s helpers)   and photocopying help – again on a rota. 

The latter of these – photocopying –  was filled today after notices – thank you very much to our volunteer –  and apologies but  I don’t know your name – yet. Please could members seriously consider whether they can take up the position of Treasurer or Treasures helper(s) as these are absolutely vital for the ongoing operation of our U3A

Thank you all and have a great week