Art App – only girls allowed !

We are visiting Lady Lever Gallery .Wednesday 6th December june

Liverpool born Model June Duncan

Link here ..  Model Image: Fashion from 1950’s

Train from Maghull, 11.AM change to Chester train.

Lunch in cafe 12. noon before tour @1.15 PM

OR tour only meet in venue1.15 PM

Amazing photographs and clothes.

limited places, booking essential.PS lunch is not included as tour is free.

Book Club

light between oceans(1)

Our next meeting is 9th November

Book: The Light Between Oceans by M J Stedman

You can read more about this book which is the  author’s first novel and now a major film, if you click on this link link.

If you like reading and would like to join a reading group, please contact David

on 526 6001 or enquire at the Book Table at the Tuesday Coffee Morning.



Theatre Group

Theatre Group October 2017

Fri 24th Nov       War Horse  Empire Theatre                £48.00

6th Dec               Nutcracker  FACT  (afternoon)         about £15.00

The Royal Opera House, broadcasts live performances to cinemas around the country.  This is a new venture for us.

21st Dec             Spirit of Christmas  Philharmonic           £43.00 TT

31st Dec              New Year’s Eve   Philharmonic               £42.00 TT

13th Jan               Little Mermaid – Pantomime  Everyman (matinee performance)

6th Feb                 Cinderella Empire Theatre

Performed by the Russian State Ballet Ticket price, to be arranged.

Please order your New Year and Spirit of Christmas tickets by the end of October.

Due to the high cost of transport we will not provide transport to Liverpool Theatres unless there is sufficient demand.

However, if you cannot get to the theatre without transport, please come to the Theatre Desk on Tuesday morning to discuss other options.

We do not want you to miss out.  So please come and discuss all options with us.

Coming Soon:

May 2018    Beautiful – Carol King  Empire theatre


memegenerator.netIMPORTANT VACANCY  

Our Treasurer will be retiring in April 2018 and we will have to replace him CAN YOU HELP? Do you have any background financial experience.


Interested? We would be very pleased to hear from you.  Speak to our Chairman or the Treasurer at our Coffee Morning on Tuesdays at the Baptist Church We look forward to hearing from you.

Parish notices – 10/10/17

Architecture for Fun- Thur 12th oct- coach  8.45 Maghull Square- please be on time.

A4F                    Early notice-9th Nov 12.30 St Anthony’s Church,Scotland Road            Guided tour by Michael O’Neill.  Cost £4 please pay at desk.

Art Appreciation -meeting at venue Wed 11th Oct.

Archeology Fri  13th Oct,2.30 Kensington House.

Gardening trips- Christmas menu choices -slips available.

Theatre- collect tickets for Giselle and pay for War Horse.

Christmas social and Christmas lunch tickets now on sale.

Sunday Strollers-15th Oct, meet Maghull station at 10.50- bring bus pass.Local bus to Lydiate for walk in area,please wear sensible shoes.

Finally we are still on the lookout for a treasurer- if you know someone ask them- don’t assume others are doing something!

Technology and Science

Meetings 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Kensington House, Station Road at 2.30

Forthcoming Subjects.
11th October.        Guns by Frank Wood
25th October.        Let there be light by Norman Stalford.
8th   November      The Great American Elipise by John Blundell.
22nd November      Sand Wars by Colin Bennett.
No Meetings in December

Walking Group. A 12 and a 5!

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Two walks took place today…a 12 mile canal, country and coast walk and a 5 mile walk from Rufford. The 12 milers set off from the Punch Bowl at Sefton Village, crossed Jubilee Wood, walked across the new Broom’s Cross road towards Thornton and joined the canal. Following this for a couple of miles we then crossed Rimrose Valley where we were thrilled to spot a beautiful Jay flying through the undergrowth. From here we walked to Waterloo and had a very welcome coffee at Waterloo place.  Continue reading



Our next walk is 15th October .  We will be meeting at Maghull Station at 10.50.  We had hoped to get the train to West Kirby, however, there are engineering works that day so we will have to make the best of what is on our door step this month and do  West Kirby next month. If you have a bus pass remember to bring it with you. We may get the local bus to Lydiate and walk around that area.  You will need to wear walking shoes at this time of the year.