Theatre Group

Theatre Group October 2017

Fri 24th Nov       War Horse  Empire Theatre                £48.00

6th Dec               Nutcracker  FACT  (afternoon)         about £15.00

The Royal Opera House, broadcasts live performances to cinemas around the country.  This is a new venture for us.

21st Dec             Spirit of Christmas  Philharmonic           £43.00 TT

31st Dec              New Year’s Eve   Philharmonic               £42.00 TT

13th Jan               Little Mermaid – Pantomime  Everyman (matinee performance)

6th Feb                 Cinderella Empire Theatre

Performed by the Russian State Ballet Ticket price, to be arranged.

Please order your New Year and Spirit of Christmas tickets by the end of October.

Due to the high cost of transport we will not provide transport to Liverpool Theatres unless there is sufficient demand.

However, if you cannot get to the theatre without transport, please come to the Theatre Desk on Tuesday morning to discuss other options.

We do not want you to miss out.  So please come and discuss all options with us.

Coming Soon:

May 2018    Beautiful – Carol King  Empire theatre