Out to lunch

During our recent  visit  to The Aviary I was embarrassed when a member of staff complained that a number of people had changed their order.

The reason for providing menu choices in advance is to ensure everyone is catered for and to enable kitchen staff to start preparation, taking into account that they were also fully booked.

These comments don’t apply to those who ordered an additional course on the day.

It is disappointing that some people don’t realise how many hours are taken up organising these events – chasing up menu slips, counting and collating choices, typing the order and taking it to the restaurant.

I would appreciate your co-operation in future.


We will be taking names on Tuesday 10 Oct. for

The Hop Vine, Burscough on November 12 th.

Practical Gardening

At our October meeting we took stock, with everyone agreeing they have greatly enjoyed our group and discussions over the past gardening year. A common theme was that we have  all benefited from learning from others in activities, discussions and demonstrations. Sharing plants and cuttings etc. has increased our garden stocks and Summer meetings in group members’ gardens plus Ness Gardens with Gardeners Question Time visit  mid September were hugely enjoyed by all.

Examples of those things we agreed to do more of this coming year include Continue reading