Today’s walk commenced from the Hare and Hounds pub, Liverpool Road North, Maghull. There were meant to be 2 walks as advertised. A short 5 miles walk (a circuit of Lunt Meadows) led by Margaret Schumacher and the longer 8 miles walk led by Alan Carr. Unfortunately Alan was unavailable and asked me to lead the walk for him. Unfortunately, no one turned up for the short walk. So Margaret joined forces with us, making 9 walkers in total. The weather was mild but overcast, fortunately it did not rain.

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Parish notices – 05/09/17

Gardening group have places  on the Plas Newydd trip on 13th Sept.NT members £13, non-NT £20.

Local history talk on 5th Sept on Royal Iris and Royal Daffodill

Walking group on 7th Sept,meeting 9.50 at Hare and Hounds to leave at 10am. 2 walks- one of 5 miles and one of 8 miles- good paths and no sties but suitable footware essential.

Bird watching- inaugural meeting has moved from 12th to 19th Sept.

One place on canal walk on 28th Sept- see Brenda.

Architecture for fun- Whalley Abbey/Browsholme Hall, Thursday 14th Sept 3″5 per member. Powis Castle,Weshpool Thurs 17th Oct,NT members £17 and nonNT £28

Possible 3 new activities- short term- see ‘new groups‘ post

Also message that we will still be at St George’s on 12th Sept and hopeful back at Baptist church on 19th,


New Groups – are you interested

  • Low Impact Zumba
  • Chair based activity
  • Walking football


Active Sefton are looking into the possibility of holding 6 week free courses on above.

If you are interested please contact Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207 or come to Group Support desk on 19th September.  I am on holiday next week so there will be no Group Support table at the coffee morning on 12th September.

You can email me at mnmck21@aol.com or text me on 07900525222.  This was announced at the coffee morning this morning and already 7 people are interested in the low impact Zumba, so that group looks like it will go ahead.

If you have any other ideas for a new group please contact me to discuss.

Theatre Group

Theatre Group September 2017

27th Oct        Giselle (Ballet)    Empire       £33.00 TT

24th Nov        War Horse          Empire        £48.00

21st Dec        Spirit of Christmas  Philharmonic           £43.00 TT

31st Dec        New Year’s Eve   Philharmonic           £42.00 TT

TT = Ticket and Transport

Please order you New Year and Spirit of Christmas tickets by the end of October.Due to the high cost of transport we will not provide transport to Liverpool Theatres unless there is sufficient demand.  However, if you cannot get to the theatre without transport please let us know and we will discuss other options.  Please come to the theatre desk on a Tuesday morning.

We do not want you to miss out.  So please come and discuss all options with us.

Coming soon:

5th Dec         Nutcracker   FACT     about £15.00

The Royal Opera House and other venues broadcast live performances to cinemas around the country.  This is a new venture for us.

13th Jan 2018     Little Mermaid  Everyman Theatre    (matinee performance)

06th Feb 2018     The Russian State Ballet  Cinderella