Parish Notices – 19/09/17

We are back at our normal haunt at Baptist Church.

Bird watching meeting at 11am today in computer room- see Brenda for more info.

Day trip to Saddleworth- still some people who need to complete choice of meal slips.

Architecture for Fun- Powis Castle -12th Oct – still approx 8 places available.

Wine tasting holiday to Spain– leaves Maghull Square on 23rd Sept.Please be there at 6.15 am for 6.30 am departure- See George for more details.

The details for walks in October are now on the notice board.

Theatre- Spriit of Christmas and New Year concert- please pay by end of October.

Gardening trip to Maenen Abbey and Betws-y-coed on 4th Oct-including 2 course meal-£33 all inclusive- some seats available.

Flower arranging- 8 week course see Brenda for info.

Low Impact Zumba – Mondays at Leisure Centre 9-9.45. check for starting date.


There is now a safety map on both notice boards concerning assembly points if a fire- Please read and check you understand.

Please – already we have been asked NOT to park outside the church in the road areas but in church car park or Cricket ground car park.

Finally, early notice!!  Our practical gardening group went to the Gardeners’ Question Time held at Ness Garden – David Ward asked a question on behalf of our U3A- program broadcast on 29th Sept 3pm Radio 4, repeated Sunday 1 st Oct- so we will be known across the country.



Parish Notices – 12/09/17

Day Trip to Saddle worth on 27th Sept, menus must be filled in this week
Architecture for Fun- trip to Whalley Abbey on 14th- 4 places left at £25
Modern France meets this afternoon at 2.30 Lydiate Village Hall.
Bletchly holiday, leaves square this Thursday at 7.15 am.
Gardening trip to Plas Newydd- leaves tomorrow morning from square at 8.45.Still places available.
We should be back at the Baptist church next week-  19th Sept- free coffee and biscuits to celebrate.
We now have a new secretary to start from next AGM- however we need a new treasurer and independant auditor.



We are booked to visit the Plaza Cinema and Variety Theatre Stockport for a ‘Behind the Scenes’ tour.  The Plaza was built in 1932 and many “famous faces” have appeared over the years and still do to-day. There has been an ongoing renovation and improvement programme which has successfully brought it back to its’ original Art Deco state.  We will have a behind the scenes tour, showcasing all that goes into the presentation of productions at this venue and what the general public does not normally see.  After this interesting tour we will have a Soup/Sandwich lunch followed by tea/coffee in their beautiful Aimagesrt Deco Cafe.  On our way home we will stop off at the famous family owned Bents Garden Centre with time to have a look round, have an afternoon cup of tea/coffee with one of their delicious cakes, maybe a chilled wine. An opportunity to inspect their wonderful Christmas Displays which will be on show

When? Monday 13th November 2017.  Dep.9.l5am  Ret.6pm  Price £22 includes guided tour/soup/sandwich lunchSeats will be on sale at our table at the Baptist Church Tues.19th September 2017

Technology and Science

The Technology and Science group resumes after the summer recess with our usual
fortnightly, Wednesday meetings:  Future topics are:-

Sep 13         Pencils – History and science with Phil

Sep 27         Rape and Spillage with David Allen

Oct 11          Guns with Frank Wood

Have you a subject or interest for one of our future meetings. Assistance is available if required. Please see Phil or Myself

Sept and Oct Real Ale Appreciation

There will be no last Friday meet up in September as six of us are on the Moorhouses Brewery Trip on the 22nd and I’m then away the week after.

The next meet up will be on Friday 27th October at 1230 in the Ranelagh Tavern. This tavern is located in Ranelagh Street over the road from Central Station main entrance and slightly to the left.  We will then catch a bus up to Peter Kavanaghs and then work our way back into town stopping off for refreshments at various pubs.  As usual if you are running late please ring me on 07801656570.  Cheers! Sue


Christmas Sunday lunch will be at Briars Hall, Lathom

on 10th December, 1.30pm for 2.00pm

A 4 Course festive menu – £18.95

It is an early notification because Briars Hall require a £10 deposit each immediately to secure the booking.

Booking will be on Tuesday, 12th September at Day Trips desk and Menu choice slips will be available.

A reminder that there will be two lunch bookings on that date.