Wine Tasting Group Holiday.

On Saturday Sept 23rd 2017 under the guidance of George Birchall, 13 members set off on a 6 night wine tasting holiday to Andalucia. Despite being booked to fly with the dreaded “Ryanair” we all arrived safely in the town of Antiquera which turned out to be a really nice little town. The whirlwind tour started on our first full day with a visit to the wonderful ” Mesquita”, Mosque turned Cathedral, in Cordoba, a world Heritage Site and great experience, with a truly knowledgeable tour guide. The Mosque / Catholic Cathedral id possibly only superceeded by The Alhambra in Granada.. All on the same day we visited the old Jewish Quarter and The Alcazar/Fortress. there was of course a Vinyard to be visited on the return to our Hotel.

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Short Break – Enchanting Essex

Final details are now available for this trip.12th July 2018 to 16th July 2018 at the Hilton Hotel, EightAsh, Nr.Colchester, Essex.  5 days/4 nights DBB + Excursions.  Price £380  Deposit £50  Sing.Supp.£80. Insurance £25 (upper age limit is 85) Bookings will be taken at Day Trips table on Tuesday 10th October 2017 (can’t do it any sooner as we are currently collecting Turkey n Tinsel cheques)

Click here for the brochure.