Parish Notices – 19/09/17

We are back at our normal haunt at Baptist Church.

Bird watching meeting at 11am today in computer room- see Brenda for more info.

Day trip to Saddleworth- still some people who need to complete choice of meal slips.

Architecture for Fun- Powis Castle -12th Oct – still approx 8 places available.

Wine tasting holiday to Spain– leaves Maghull Square on 23rd Sept.Please be there at 6.15 am for 6.30 am departure- See George for more details.

The details for walks in October are now on the notice board.

Theatre- Spriit of Christmas and New Year concert- please pay by end of October.

Gardening trip to Maenen Abbey and Betws-y-coed on 4th Oct-including 2 course meal-£33 all inclusive- some seats available.

Flower arranging- 8 week course see Brenda for info.

Low Impact Zumba – Mondays at Leisure Centre 9-9.45. check for starting date.


There is now a safety map on both notice boards concerning assembly points if a fire- Please read and check you understand.

Please – already we have been asked NOT to park outside the church in the road areas but in church car park or Cricket ground car park.

Finally, early notice!!  Our practical gardening group went to the Gardeners’ Question Time held at Ness Garden – David Ward asked a question on behalf of our U3A- program broadcast on 29th Sept 3pm Radio 4, repeated Sunday 1 st Oct- so we will be known across the country.