Parish notices – 15/08/17

The weekly coffee morning announcements for today:

A) reminder to line dancers- no dancing on 23rd August.
B) Next canal walk on 24th Aug, one place available – see Brenda.
C) Sunday Strollers- 20th Aug- note 10.30 am at Maghull station not usual 11am. Walk from Moreton to Hoylake.
D) Architecture for fun.
      Thurs 14th Sept trip to Whalley Abbey and Browsholme Hall.£25 including coach and entry to both places- some places still available.
        Thursday 12th Oct- visit to Powis Castle.Welshpool. Cost £17 NT members, £28 non NT.
E) Local History. At Lydiate Village Hall 2pm-4pm Tues 5th Sept.Return of Mr D Arnolds talk and presentation on how Royal Iris and Royal Daffodil got their name.


Canal Walking- available space

The canal walking group at present walking the Liverpool/Leeds canal.   We have now reached Burnley  and are walking from the Inn on the Wharfe to Pendle Heritage Centre, in August.  Due to holidays we have one available space on the mini bus if anyone would like to join us on 24th August.  This walk is approx 7 miles. Please ring Brenda McKenzie on 07900525222 or come to group support desk tomorrow 15th August if you are interested.

20th August Sunday Strollers

We will be meeting for this walk at Maghull Station at 10.30 not the usual time of 11 o,clock.  The walk which will be lead by Judith will be from Moreton Station to Hoylake.  This is a flat 5 mile walk along the front.  It is hoped to have lunch at the Ship Inn in Hoylake .  Please let Brenda or Judith know if you intend on coming so we can book lunch. The pictures below are when we did this walk last year. Bring your pass if you have one.


New Group – Bird Watching

Enough people have shown interest in this group so we will have a meeting after the notices have been read on 19th September at the Baptist Church.  It is hoped it will be a self learning group, so if you have some knowledge on the subject and would be willing to share that with others that would be great.   Like all new groups the hardest thing is to get it going.  If you would be interesting in helping lead this group please come and have a chat at the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or ring me on 0151 531 0207.

Walking netball group

With the support of Netball England we are going to start walking netball sessions on a Friday morning 9.30 to 10.30 at West Lancs College in Skelmersdale (next to ASDA). Everyone is welcome, this is a fun way to keep fit.  Some of our members have been on taster sessions and the feedback was very positive.  One of the issues raised was that some people do not have transport to get to the college, this is not an issue as other members are willing to provide lifts.  Please let me know if you are interested either at the coffee morning or by ringing 0151 531 0207.

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Theatre Group

Theatre Group August 2017

27th Oct                     Giselle (Ballet)

Empire Theatre       £33.00 TT

Fri 24th Nov             War Horse

Empire Theatre       £48.00 ticket only

21st Dec                    Spirit of Christmas

Philharmonic           £43.00 TT

31st Dec                    New Year’s Eve

Philharmonic           £42.00 TT

TT = Ticket and Transport

Please order your New Year and Spirit of Christmas tickets by the end of October.

Due to the high cost of transport we will not provide transport to Liverpool Theatres unless there is sufficient demand.

However, if you cannot get to the theatre without transport  we will discuss other options if you come to the theatre desk on a Tuesday morning.

We do not want you to miss out.  So please come and discuss all options with us.