Due to the rail strike on Monday 4th September 2017, those living nearest to Maghull Station can meet there at 10am.  We will then cycle to Town Green Station, where we will all meet up at 10.15am and cycle to the Lavender Farm as planned.


Parish notices – 29/08/17

Theatre tickets for Cilla still to be collected.

New flower arranging sessions in place for October- see Brenda

Day trip to hear Houghton Weavers – please collect menu slips.

Architecture for Fun

Thurs 14th Sept.trip to Whalley Abbey and Browsholme Hall- Cost £25 to cover travel and entrances.NOTE If you wish to order a sandwich lunch tell George or David as time between the two places is limited.

Thursday 12th Oct- visit to Powis Castle, cost £17 NT/ £28 for non-NT.

New possible group for people who wish to become more active. If any ideas of what you would like etc see Brenda on Group Support desk.

We are still looking for a new treasurer and secretary for later in year- if you or someone you know would be able to help let the treasurer of chairman know.