Pedal Pushers visit the Lavender Farm

BEC996F9-CDA0-4E36-B69C-9415D46C8EE44 of the Pedal Pushers, plus one Easy Rider, met this morning at Moss Lane and cycled to the Lavender Farm just off the Rainford Bypass. Ably led by Bill Ashton, our intrepid leader, we cycled the 15 mile round trip using mainly quiet roads, but not without an encounter with several lorries and a couple of tractors intent on last minute hay making. The day turned out to be lovely and sunny and surprisingly hot, so we were glad of the refreshment stop to recharge our batteries, if not rest our legs. The fields at the farm had mostly been cut, but if you closed your eyes and felt the lovely sunshine, the smell of lavender in the air could trick you into thinking you were in Provence. Pity we had to open them again and see the Rainford Bypass! Another great ride. Thanks Bill!

Parish notices – 22/08/17

The weekly coffee morning announcements for today:

Canal walkers- Thursday 24th Aug.Leaves Baptist Church at 9.30

Theatre Group- tickets for Cilla now to be collected.

Local History- Tues 5th Sept- Mr Derek Arnold talk on how Royal Iris and Royal Daffodil got their names

Practical gardening group- 4th Sept- meeting at a group member’s garden- check where etc with Dot Brannigan.

Also mentioned was the need for  new Treasurer and Secretary by next AGM. so anyone who knows a person chat with present treasurer or chairman.