20th August Sunday Strollers

We will be meeting for this walk at Maghull Station at 10.30 not the usual time of 11 o,clock.  The walk which will be lead by Judith will be from Moreton Station to Hoylake.  This is a flat 5 mile walk along the front.  It is hoped to have lunch at the Ship Inn in Hoylake .  Please let Brenda or Judith know if you intend on coming so we can book lunch. The pictures below are when we did this walk last year. Bring your pass if you have one.


New Group – Bird Watching

Enough people have shown interest in this group so we will have a meeting after the notices have been read on 19th September at the Baptist Church.  It is hoped it will be a self learning group, so if you have some knowledge on the subject and would be willing to share that with others that would be great.   Like all new groups the hardest thing is to get it going.  If you would be interesting in helping lead this group please come and have a chat at the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or ring me on 0151 531 0207.