Sunday Health Walk

Active Sefton are leading a walk in Lydiate on Sunday 3rd September. The walk will last no than 90 minutes and will be at a medium pace.  The walk starts at 2pm, the meeting point is Hall Lane Lydiate opposite the Hayloft.  Everyone welcome.  please wear suitable footwear.


Walking group September 7th


The next walks will commence at 10am from the Hare and Hounds pub, Liverpool Road North on the above date. There will be 2 walks. The short walk (5 miles) will be a circuit of Lunt Meadows. The longer walk (8 miles) will cross Lunt Meadows and continue towards Ince Blundell , passing through Carr House Farm, crossing the River Alt at Baines Bridge and return to Maghull via the Cheshire Lines. Both walks are on reasonable paths with no stiles, although appropriate footwear is essential. The  Hare and Hounds has a fairly decent lunch menu if anyone wishes to eat after the walk, although on this occasion no table has been reserved. If you intend to walk please meet no later than 9:50 am. as we will leave promptly at 10am.



Due to the rail strike on Monday 4th September 2017, those living nearest to Maghull Station can meet there at 10am.  We will then cycle to Town Green Station, where we will all meet up at 10.15am and cycle to the Lavender Farm as planned.


Parish notices – 29/08/17

Theatre tickets for Cilla still to be collected.

New flower arranging sessions in place for October- see Brenda

Day trip to hear Houghton Weavers – please collect menu slips.

Architecture for Fun

Thurs 14th Sept.trip to Whalley Abbey and Browsholme Hall- Cost £25 to cover travel and entrances.NOTE If you wish to order a sandwich lunch tell George or David as time between the two places is limited.

Thursday 12th Oct- visit to Powis Castle, cost £17 NT/ £28 for non-NT.

New possible group for people who wish to become more active. If any ideas of what you would like etc see Brenda on Group Support desk.

We are still looking for a new treasurer and secretary for later in year- if you or someone you know would be able to help let the treasurer of chairman know.


Walking Netball will be starting on Friday 20th October at West Lancs College, 9.30 to 10.30.  Members from Parbold and Aughton+Ormskirk  U3A’s are joining us.  This is a fun way to keep fit. Please come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or ring 0151 531 0207 for more details.

Do you want to be more active?

Active Sefton have funding available and are willing to start a group that will help some of our less active members become more active.  Any ideas of what group we could start with their help?  Group Support are meeting with Rachel Treanor on 5th September to discuss further.  So if you do have any bright idea’s please contact Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207 or come to Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning.All about light: from bulbs to art


A course will be starting in October.  It will be held at St James Hall in Green Lane on a Monday morning 10.00 to 11.30.  If you are interested in taking part please come to the Group Support Desk on a Tuesday morning or ring Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207.  Below are some of the creations from the last course.  No experience necessary, just come along and have fun with flowers.

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Our next lunch date will be Sunday, 01 October at

The Aviary, Blindman’s Lane, Ormskirk L39 3AD

1.30pm for 2.00pm

2 Courses:  £13.95      3 Courses:  £16.95

Menu choice slips will be available – deposits will not be required but if possible I would like to collect full amount at time of booking.

Booking will commence on Tuesday 12 September at Day Trips desk.

Hedd Wyn – the War Poet

Hedd Wyn – Un o Feirdd Rhyfel Cymru  One of the War Poets of Wales

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Ganwyd Ellis Humphrey Evans ar y 13fed o Ionawr 1887 ym Mhen Lan yng nghanol Trawsfynydd, Sir Feirionydd.  Roedd yr hynaf o unarddeg o blant a anwyd i Evan ac Mary Evans.  Yn 1887 symydodd y teulu i Yr Ysgwrn, fferm rhyw ddau fillitir tu allan i Traws.  Cafodd Ellis adysg drwy’r ysgol ac yr ysgol Sul ond bu rhaid iddo adel yr ysgol pan yr oedd yn pedwar ar ddeg i ddechrau gweithio fel bugail ar y fferm. O oed ifanc roedd yn amlwg fod gab Elllis dalent am farddoniaeth. Roedd eisoes wedi cyfansoddi ei gerddi cyntaf erbyn un ar ddeg oed. Cymerodd ran mewn eisteddfodau o pedwar ar bymtheg oed ac enillodd ei gadair gyntaf yn Penbedw ym 1917. Ym 1910, cymerodd yr enw barddol Hedd Wyn.  Enillodd Gadeiriau yn 1913 a 1915, ac yn yr un flwyddyn ysgrifennodd ei gerdd gyntaf ar gyfer Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru-Eryri, awdl i’r Wyddfa.

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