New – Bird Watching Group

Are you interested in joining a self learning Bird Watching Group?  If so get in touch with Brenda McKenzie on 531 0207 or come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning. Is is hoped to have a meeting in the next few weeks of interested people to see how we can move this idea forward.

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Inputting news to your U3A

We currently have 4 communication outlets to our members.

  • Paper Monthly Programme
  • Paper Tri monthly Magazine
  • Online Website
  • Parish notices presented at the weekly coffee mornings

Group programme information and news can be submitted to the paper outlets via

Website feed via the Group Leaders who should have website access.

If your in any doubt please submit your content to both.


Theatre Group

Theatre Group – July 2017

8th Sept        Cilla                          Empire Theatre       £45.00 TT

27th Oct        Giselle (Ballet)         Empire Theatre       £33.00 TT

21st Dec       Spirit of Christmas  Philharmonic           £43.00 TT

31st Dec        New Year’s Eve       Philharmonic           £42.00 TT

TT = Ticket and Transport.  Click link to see show details.

We will only have 35 tickets for the New Year show.  Please book early as we wish to buy the tickets by the end of October.  This will allow us to distribute them by the end of November and will avoid the last minute panic when we close for Christmas.

Walking Group – Moel Famau

Thursday July 6th saw the group walking Moel Famau from Cilcain. Leaving the Baptist Church car park around 9.30 we made very good time via Runcorn and the M56 to arrive in Cilcain car park at 10.50.

It was already warm as we left the village in bright sunshine and took the bridle path ascent.  Lunch at the summit and and a sit in the sun before descending via the steeper ‘stairs’ got us back to the village hall at 2.30 for very welcome tea and cake supplied by Sonja and Kate, courtesy of the village shop.  Thanks girls. If you are walking in the area give the shop a visit, the tea and cakes are excellent. Finally, thanks to Ian for help with the recce.

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Real Ale Appreciation – Day Out

For our next outing we will again be visiting Liverpool on the 28th July meeting at 1230 in the Lime Kiln.  From here we will make our way to Peter Kavanaghs. This is a gem of a pub with many unique features.  We will then visit the Belvedere an old fashioned pub serving real ales and also a good gin menu. As always if you are running late please call my mobile 07801 656570 to find out where we are. Cheers, Sue

Tech and Science underground

On 28th June a group of 16 from the Technology and Science had a private tour of Georges Dock Building. Starting with the old control room dating back to 1934, whose access corridors and stairs are ’tiled and corniced’,  giving it a style not around in today’s buildings.
We then visited the ventilation towers themselves with glazed bricks and original massive vertical exhaust fans still in operation but only used intermittently now, as cars engines are much cleaner and lorries are no longer allowed. The original inlet fans have been replaced by modern horizontal units which pump air into the lower section of the tunnels length.
And finally down many stairs to the Tunnel itself, to walk along the windy service tunnel into one of the ‘refuge’ stations installed after the 1999 Mont Blanc Tunnel Fire, complete with its CCTV, toilets and communicators to the main Tunnel Police control room. Due to many of us having engineering backgrounds the tour was enhanced by the in-depth knowledge of our 2 guides Allison and Billy.

New Day Trip

A day with welcome-to-ena-milla difference.  We will start with a visit to Ena Mill in Atherton, reputedly named after a Spanish Queen.  This Cotton Spinning  Mill was built in l908 and is a Grade !! listed building,  It is a magnificent example of our Industrial Heritage. After spinning thousands of yards of cotton is was closed in the 1990’s.   It is now converted in a fantastic open space on the ground floor as an Emporium with something for everyone and a nice Coffee Shop.  Maybe a chance to start some early Christmas shopping for stocking fillers etc.  Onto the family owned Rivington Hall Barn Bolton.  which dates 1000x588 back to the 12th Century.  It still retains original features and huge Saxon beams. We will have a 2 course lunch followed by tea/coffee and then we will sit back and enjoy an afternoon of entertainment from the well known Lancashire Folk Group The Houghton Weavers.  Formed in l975 they have had their own BBC series Set Thee Down and a BBC Radio 2 show.  They are easy to listen to and there is gentle humour appealing to all ages.  Time for a last drink before leaving for home

WHEN? Wed.18th October 2017  Depart 9.15am Return 6pm.  Price £25 includes 2 course lunch with tea/coffee and Houghton Weavers Concert.  Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday 11th July 2017.