Some time ago we tried unsuccessfully to start an Italian Group. So I am going to try again.  Is there anyone who would be interested in starting this group. The German group has very successfully used tapes to get it going this could be an option.  Please give me a ring on 0151 531 0207 if you could help in anyway to get this group started,

Theatre Group

Theatre Group Newsletter June 2017

Please book your tickets at the Coffee Morning

Cilla                                       Empire Theatre

Fri 8th Sep                             TT to be arranged

Giselle                                  Empire Theatre

Friday 27th October             TT to be arranged

 Die Fledermaus                 Empire Theatre

Fri 10thNov                           TT to be arranged

 War Horse                          Empire Theatre

Friday 1st December          TT to be arranged

TT = Ticket and transport

Due to changes in booking arrangements at some theatres shows will be advertised in advance of booking. This allows members to see what is coming in the near future. If you are interested in any show that is advertised, please give your name to the theatre desk. When we have sufficient interest, we will contact the theatre and finalise the cost of the show.

If you put your name down and change your mind; please let us know before we buy the tickets.  We cannot return tickets and you might not get a refund.


vector-silhouette-people-nordic-walking-46726155[1]SWANAGE & PURBECK WALKING FESTIVAL 2017

I have recently received the following e-mail from John Challis, at the U3A Nordic Walking Group friends, Purbeck, Dorset;

“Thanks very much for your reply. I’m sorry it has not been acknowledged earlier. Sounds a to be a really thriving group, and again your input in the early stages was most helpful in setting up the Purbeck (Nordic Walking) U3A group.
Are any of you coming to the Purbeck Nordic Walking Festival here in Swanage Fri 15-Sun 17 September? It was a very successful one last year, and is likely to attract even more walkers this year.
There are great coastal and inland heath and moorland routes. If there were people coming it would be good to do a U3A group walk either on the Thur before or the Mon after the festival, or both! Would really enjoy taking you and others on a couple or routes here! ”

Kind regards

John Challis 07966 500820

If anyone is interested in taking part, please contact John Challis directly.




This Monday (12/06/17), we set off from Old Racecourse Road, Maghull with 9 riders. Using the Old Cheshire Lines and Liverpool Canal paths and then through Rimrose Valley.  We then made our way to Crosby sea front and on to Formby. From there we took the path alongside the railway line, crossing onto Fishermans Path.  From there we joined part of the newly opened Sefton Circular cycle route, through the pine woods ending up at the Mecycle Café in Ainsdale, where we stopped for tea.

NEW SEFTON CYCLE ROUTE MAP 002The new Sefton Circular cycle route covers 24 miles, 20 miles of which is traffic free and was officially launched on Sunday, May 21.  The launch of the route coincides with ‘2017 the year of Sefton’s Coast’ a celebration campaign to recognise, promote and enjoy the superb Sefton Coastline; the Sefton Circular route takes in many miles of the coastal path, before heading inland along the Cheshire Lines towards Maghull and eventually the Leeds Liverpool canal, bringing you back to Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre via Rimrose Valley.


IMG_2599-300x224[1]One of our riders was able to use the repair facilities at the Mecycle Café/Shop, whilst we took a break, in order to have his cycle repaired, due to minor damage sustained to the gears whilst riding through the woods.

From Ainsdale, some of the group made their own way back home using different routes.



Table Games Group

We finally have a date for moving upstairs at the Town Hall.

From July 1 st 2017 we will have access to ‘the Venue’ and all future meetings will be held there UNLESS the room is required by the management.

Our first meeting will be on July 10th as the room is already booked for July 3rd.

The general consensus is that we wont have a summer break so we should only miss the August Bank Holiday Monday before our Christmas break.

Look forward to seeing old and new members – Phil Davidson