Practical Gardening May/June meetings

U3A prac gdn hanging basket At our May meeting , Wanda very ably demonstrated how to plant a successful hanging basket, the beautiful results of which can be seen left. Wanda’s tips included:

– use a basket liner – either purchased ready made or cut from eg coconut matting material – but don’t trim this until the basket is full

– cover the bottom of the basket with a double layer of black plastic to aid water retention

  • –  add chicken manure fertiliser pellets and  water retaining granules  into the compost then water  well before putting this mix into the basket to approx a third/half level

– plant the basket top and sides with a mixture of desired plants such as calabrattia, trailing fuschia, lobetia, lysimachia nummularia, and glechoma. When fully planted, fill the basket with more compost and then cover the compost with damp sphagnum moss to reduce evaporation and absorb more water. Drench the basket with water before hanging up – a pulley is  a useful aid to easier watering but is not essential.

At our June meeting we discussed growing herbs. Mediterranean herbs such as basil and rosemary enjoy being in poor quality/used compost and kept on the dry side, in full sun wherever possible. To prevent herbs mixing in to each other in a large pot, several members recommended planting smaller pots of each herb within a bigger pot. Basil should not be allowed to flower and if  planted around tomatoes,  discourages bugs  Continue reading

Walking Group – Moel Famau

The next walk will take place on Thursday 6th July and will be a circular walk from Cilcain ascending Moel Famau and returning to the start point. The hill ( not big enough to be called a mountain) is highest one within the Clwydian range. moel ffamau
The walk will be approx. 8 miles long and is described as “hard” on most websites, taking well defined paths and forestry tracks. Because of the terrain good footwear is required and walking poles might useful for the descent. As transport will be by private cars, if you intend to go on this walk, please meet at the Baptist church car park no later than 9:30am on 6th July and we will organise car-share. Donations towards fuel to each driver please. Please bring a change of footwear to prevent muddying cars. Packed lunch and waterproofs also essential. Phil has organised tea and cake with a local shop for the end of the walk!

Please contact Margaret Kendall if any further information required. (526 3164)