Judith will be leading the May walk on 21st May.  Please meet at Maghull station at 10.50 and bring your bus pass with you.  The walk will start from Old Roan train station and will take a route back to Maghull via Jubilee Woods, stopping at The Alt for lunch, before returning to the start at Maghull station.  The walk will be about 4 miles and will be at a steady pace.  Please come to the group support table for more details.  Below is a picture taken on a previous walk.  Brenda will be leading a walk for Active Sefton on 14th May started at St Marys Lydiate, opposite the Hayloft at 10.30.  It will about 5 miles long everyone welcome, for further details please ring Brenda on 0151 531 0207.


Pack of cards

Have you recently bought a greeting card and been horrified at the cost? Or looking for an extra special one and not been able to find it? Why not make your own? New members are welcome at the card making group. We meet on Monday (except bank holidays) from 1:30-3:30 at the United Reform Church, Maghull. No experience is necessary. Group members are more than happy to share their expertise. For more information see Joan or Val at the coffee morning.

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Walking Netball

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16 members joined together this morning to take part in our first taster session of Walking Netball, which was hosted by Netball England at West Lancs College.  This was the first of three session, members can still join in on either 12th or 19th May or both dates.  Walking Netball is a low impact form of sport, which is a good way of keeping fit as well as being lots of fun.  The years were rolled back as we took part in a  fun warm up session followed by a game of walking netball.  Everyone really enjoyed the session and are looking forward to next week. Once the taster sessions are complete we will look to start again in September, the College will inform us what times are available, we will then complete a survey amongst the people interested to find the most suitable time.  Stephanie from Netball England would be willing to support us on a part time basis and one of our members has been on a course which means she can host sessions.

If you are interested in joining us ring Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207 or 07900525222 or come to the Group Support desk on Tuesday morning.

Countryside Walk

24 people took part in the monthly walk today. Leaving from Ormskirk Station the long walk group followed the route of the War Horses travelling though Ormskirk out to Lathom Chapel where over 120,000 horses and mules were trained for use at the front in WW1. The chapel today is still a functioning place of worship and is surrounded by traditional alms houses which can be rented for the princely sum of £125 per month, although the criteria for rental is very specific and hard to achieve.

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To-day, our French Group met at Marie’s house because our normal venue was being used for elections.  All 16 of us gathered together and we had the pleasure of meetfrench 001ing Vincent, who is living and studying in Liverpool.  We all had the opportunity to ask him a question about his life, both here and in France, his views on the French political situation, about his family etc.  It was really encouraging for all of us to realise how far we had come in our French conversation and he was such a pleasure to talk to.  All thanks to Marie, our Leader,who arranged for Vilncent to visit us to-day and who works so hard to keep us on our toes.  She is a Taskmaster in the nicest possible way!.  Even her cakes and biscuits are so good. (Vincent with a section of our group)

Foodie Group – April Indian Food.

Carolyn, Deborah and Peter presented us with Indian cuisine today. Peter loves to experiment and was inspired to look at Indian food because Deborah’s son had been to a wedding in Kerala. Peter explained that there are regional differences in curries. For example Northern Indian has milder flavours using almond and cardamom. In Southern India the food is much more spicy.

Carolyn made us a salad consisting of mango, red pepper, oranges, corriander, red onion, pomegranate seeds(Carolyn’s tip, buy ready prepared!!) and lime juice which was a lovely combination of flavours.

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