Theatre Group


Last Night of Proms         Philharmonic  Sat   22nd July    TT £40.00

Tickets to be ordered by 13th June

Cilla Friday                        Empire           8th Sep      TT tba

Giselle                               Empire          27th Oct      TT tba

Die Fledermaus                 Empire          10th Nov      TT tba

War Horse                         Empire           1st Dec       TT tba

TT = Ticket and transport.   tba = to be arranged

Due to changes to booking arrangements at some of the theatres, shows will be advertised in advance of booking.  This allows members to see what is coming in the near future.  If you are interested in any show which is advertised, please give your name to the the Theatre Group.  When we have sufficient interest, we will then contact the theatre and obtain the cost of the show.

If you put your name down for a show and change your mind, please let us know before we buy the tickets, because we cannot return tickets and you might not get a refund.