Badminton 1 and 2 have both been full for some time.  The leader of Badminton 2, June Avery has looked in to the possibility of starting a third group if there are people out there who would like to play badminton.   Badminton 2 meet at Hudson School on a Tuesday night at 6.30 to 8pm.  An idea would be, the new group could meet at 5.15 to 6.15 on the same night at Hudson and two members of Badminton 2 would come early to help to get the new group get up and running.  We would need at least 8 people to make this idea work.  If you are interested come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or ring Brenda Mckenzie on 0151 531 0207.

Recorder Group Started

recordersAt last we have started a music group, thanks to Christine Otim and Lynne Maloret.

Nine people attended the first session of the recorder group today. There were 5 treble recorder players and 4 descant recorders. Most people were beginners with a few having played some years ago at school. They managed to learn 3 notes together and played their first piece of music!!!!. They have no plans to become expert musicians, but to join together for a fun time playing popular music. They meet at 11.00 in the sanctuary of Maghull Baptist Church on a Tuesday when the U3A coffee morning is just about to finishing. If you would like to know more contact Lynne on 0151 526 4490 or come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday Morning.

Practical Gardening – 3rd April meeting

At our April get together we reflected that the mild weather this year means our gardens seem ahead and more colourful than usual for this time of year . A number of the group have now planted their seed potatoes and courgettes (see March post for planting info)  – progress is keenly awaited by all.

U3A daffs Aprl 17

Roberta had brought different varieties of daffodils for us to admire and identify. these included Binka, Pheasant Eye , Mounthead and Winston Churchill ( see picture )

We debated the joys of ivy (eg attractive/ excellent for wildlife) and problems (eg poisonous/ smothers everything)  with one member really struggling to get this under control. RHS  Recommendations for controlling/removing ivy are at:

We talked about  planting garden pots . Nita advised it is vital to plant in good quality John Innes compost and to add grit. Pots should be fed once a month with tomato fertiliser – this was used by many in the group. The group shared planting ideas with Nita having  had great success with the following plant groupings: Continue reading

Technology & Science

The tour of the Liverpool ‘Old Dock Experience’ went very well. We are looking for ideas for future days out.  Do you have any please?

April 12th          Motorbikes with Frank

April 26th          Serendipitous Inventions

May 10th           Radio receivers from Hertz to SDR

May 24th           Chemistry and production of Cannabaceae

We have 2 dates to fill in June before our summer break.  Any offers for presentations or subjects to be presented please?  Contact Colin or Phil

Walking Netball starts 5th May

walking-netballThe 4 taster sessions for Walking Netball will be held at West Lancs College which is located just off Junction 4 on the M58 .  The sessions will last 1 hour and start on 5th May at 10.30 for 1 hour, are designed to making getting fit fun.  Men are welcome to join in, also there will lifts available, please contact Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207 or 0790052522 to reserve a place on this course.   The course is being provided by Netball England and is free of charge.

Canal Walking – come and join us on 25th May

The Canal Walking group are now going to use a mini bus to transport the group to the start of the walk and to pick them up at the end of the walk. Due to some of the group being on holiday we have two seats available on 25th May.  We will be walking from Riley Green Bridge PR50SP to Whitebirk Bridge BB13HW approx 7 miles.  The price will be £13 to cover mini bus.  If you would like to join us on this walk please contact Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207 or 0790052522 to reserve your place. canal_walk_1-3


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Our latest walk took place on Thursday, 6th April, 2017. The starting point was from the Sankey Valley Visitor Centre, Blackbrook Road, St. Helens, where the friendly Ranger Dave Owen opened the toilets for our use before starting the walk. As usual, there were two walks. A long walk of 9 miles and a shorter 5 mile walk (which actually ended up as 6 miles). The weather was dry and windy, but not too cold.

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Todays circular ride around West Lancashire, was planned and led by one of our riders, Mike Cooper. Distance 26 miles (30+ if you include the ride to and from home to the start/finish point). The ride started from Ormskirk Railway Station, with 8 cyclists. The weather was dry and bright but cold, with a strong wind.

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