Practical Gardening – 3rd April meeting

At our April get together we reflected that the mild weather this year means our gardens seem ahead and more colourful than usual for this time of year . A number of the group have now planted their seed potatoes and courgettes (see March post for planting info)  – progress is keenly awaited by all.

U3A daffs Aprl 17

Roberta had brought different varieties of daffodils for us to admire and identify. these included Binka, Pheasant Eye , Mounthead and Winston Churchill ( see picture )

We debated the joys of ivy (eg attractive/ excellent for wildlife) and problems (eg poisonous/ smothers everything)  with one member really struggling to get this under control. RHS  Recommendations for controlling/removing ivy are at:

We talked about  planting garden pots . Nita advised it is vital to plant in good quality John Innes compost and to add grit. Pots should be fed once a month with tomato fertiliser – this was used by many in the group. The group shared planting ideas with Nita having  had great success with the following plant groupings: Continue reading